Commissioning Policy

Commissioning Policy (PDF 87Kb) is also available in a PDF version (alternative formats and plug-ins)

1. Effective Date: May 9, 2011

2. Authority

This policy is issued under the authority of the Assistant Deputy Minister, Real Property Branch, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).

3. Context

This policy is issued pursuant to the Federal Real Property and Federal Immovables Act, (1991), which authorizes PWGSC to manage federal real estate. PWGSC, including the Real Property Branch, delivers its real property projects using the National Project Management System (NPMS) and commissioning is an integral part of the NPMS.

Implementation of this policy will ensure that commissioning is applied consistently across the country.

4. Scope

This policy applies to built works managed by RPB and/or its service providers. This includes new construction, renovations, and fit-up work in Crown-owned and leased premises. It also applies to new build-to-lease buildings and major leased building renovations under the custodianship of RPB.

5. Policy Statement

All built works managed by RPB and/or its service providers shall be assessed for applicability of commissioning. Such assessments shall take into account the size, scope and complexity of the project. All commissioning activities identified through these assessments shall be carried out in accordance with the PWGSC Commissioning Manual and the PWGSC Commissioning Guidelines.

6. Policy Details

Commissioning is a program of activities that advances built works from the inception of a project to its completion.

Commissioning measures, demonstrates, and documents that:

  • real property assets meet the defined needs of the owner and the occupants;
  • the assets operate satisfactorily within the design parameters;
  • the process is officially accepted by operational staff;
  • it is incorporated into various phases of the National Project Management System (NPMS) or the project delivery process of the service provider;
  • the systems are correctly installed, and operate as intended;
  • records are produced that can be used for re-commissioning, trouble shooting and re-calibration of components and systems and enforcement of warranty provisions; and
  • the process is integrated with LEED and RPB's contribution to the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy.

The overall effectiveness of this policy will be monitored through audits, conducted by national/regional commissioning experts, on randomly-selected projects.

7. Definitions

Built works
Built works refers to buildings, and to engineering assets. The term "buildings" includes new construction, existing building renovations, and fit-ups.
Commissioning is a program of activities that advances built works from the inception of a project to its completion.
Continuous commissioning
Continuous commissioning refers to commissioning carried out throughout the life cycle of the building, on a continuous basis.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
LEED is a green building certification system that provides third-party verification of the environmental rating of a building or community, endorsed by the Canada Green Building Council. Commissioning is a pre-requisite for LEED certification.
National Project Management System (NPMS)
The National Project Management System is the project management methodology used by PWGSC for implementing its projects.
A project is defined as the construction and/or repair of a building, bridge, structure, dock, wharf, sewer, water-main, utility service connections, etc., that is specifically dedicated to fulfilling a program requirement within a prescribed time frame.
Re-commissioning refers to commissioning activities performed after a building has been in operation; it applies to buildings that have already been commissioned.

8. Responsibilities

Director General, Professional and Technical Service Management

Responsible for:

  • providing functional guidance and expertise in the application of the commissioning process to all regions, and
  • monitoring results of audits on specific projects to ensure that the policy is applied consistently.

Regional Directors General and Directors General, NCA Operations

Responsible for implementing this policy in the regions, and the National Capital Area.

Project Leaders/Directors/Asset Managers

Responsible for securing appropriate funding for all required commissioning activities.

Project Managers

Responsible for ensuring that commissioning forms part of the projects they manage, and that it is carried out in accordance with this policy.

9. References

  • Federal Real Property and Federal Immovables Act, 1991
  • National Project Management System
  • PWGSC Commissioning Manual, which includes:
  • PWGSC Commissioning Guidelines, which include:
    • CP.3 Guide to the development of the Commissioning Plan
    • CP.4 Guide to the preparation of the Building Management Manuals
    • CP.5 Guide to the preparation of Training Plans
    • CP.7 Commissioning for Facilities Management and Operation
    • CP.8 Guide to the preparation of Commissioning Reports
    • CP.9 Guide to the development of Check Lists
    • CP.10 Guide to the development of Report Forms and Schematics
    • CP.11 Guide to the preparation of the Commissioning Brief
    • CP.12 Guide to the development and Use of Commissioning Specifications
    • CP.13 Facility Maintenance Policy, Guidelines and Requirements

10. Enquiries

Please direct enquiries about this policy to:

Director General
Professional and Technical Service Management
Real Property Branch
Public Works and Government Services Canada