Communication Management


Communications management is the component of the Project Plan that addresses the processes and technologies required to ensure timely and appropriate generation, collection, dissemination, storage, and ultimate disposition of project information.


  • to identify informational needs of the project stakeholders and determine a suitable means of meeting those needs
  • to make information available in a timely manner to all project stakeholders

Real Property Context

Generally, there are two types of communications requirements:

  • operational communications requirements: for all projects there are day-to-day project communications, such as internal correspondence, communications with suppliers and clients, etc. The project team manages these communications.
  • policy and corporate communications requirements: for major, complex or sensitive projects, communications management involves working with the Communications Sector in Corporate Services, Human Resources and Communications Branch for communications advice and support. Depending on the project, they may develop a communications plan and/or other communications strategies (e.g., media releases, questions and answers, public notices) with input from the project team.

Communications for most real property projects are limited to communicating information that directly affects the project. It can typically be managed effectively through e-mail and posted notices on the project site. For more involved communications, assistance should be sought from the Communications Sector. The communications management component of the Project Plan (not to be confused with the communications plan prepared by the Communications Sector), identifies stakeholders, delivery mechanisms, frequency of communication activity, etc. These factors vary based on the extent of stakeholders' involvement in the project, time sensitivity, and the importance of the communication. Within the Real Property Branch project leaders/project managers develop the Project Plan communications component by:

  • identifying the minimum acceptable communication requirements/content on a project-specific basis
  • identifying the various stakeholders i.e. senior management, staff, departmental public relations group, consultants, contractors, clients, users, the public, etc.)
  • determining how information will be disseminated (e.g., verbal, e-mail, presentations, conference calls)
  • determining how frequently information will be disseminated (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually)
  • determining where the Communications Sector should be involved (e.g., developing special additional strategies to manage crisis/exceptional situations ).

Frequent and recurring communications allow issues to be raised as they occur so that stakeholders can address them in a timely manner. The Communications Sector should be contacted as early as possible in the process where the project team anticipates major issues.

Communications Management Toolkit

Communications Forms and Related Links

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