Safety Management


Safety management is the component of the Project Plan concerned with the prevention, mitigation and resolution of safety issues on real property project construction sites including the strategies and processes to mitigate related risks.


  • to ensure that real property construction sites are safe and that persons granted access to Crown construction projects are provided with the full protection afforded them by the prescribed occupational health and safety legislation.

Real Property Context

Health and safety on construction sites is an important component of the department's occupational health and safety program and a major responsibility of the project manager. Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) has developed a construction health and safety program to ensure adherence to the Canada Labour Code - Part II, Canada Occupational Safety and Health Regulations and promote voluntary compliance with the provincial / territorial construction occupational health and safety acts and regulations. Safety management applies to all employees of PSPC whose duties relate to the management and administration of federal government construction projects.

Due to the nature and complexity of safety management issues, project managers (PM) should ensure that a Construction Safety Coordinator is included on project teams early in the planning stages of projects (based upon size and complexity of projects). Construction Safety Coordinators can advise PM's on their due diligence including contract specifications, hazard assessment, site specific safety plan reviews, construction meetings, monitoring and assistance in completing contractor performance evaluation reports etc. to ensure that legislative safety issues are met.

Safety Management Toolkit

Safety Forms and Related Links

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