Real Property Treasury Board Submission Template


A Treasury Board (TB) submission is an official document submitted by a minister on behalf of his or her department to seek approval or authority from TB ministers to carry out a proposal that otherwise the department would not be able to undertake, or would be outside its delegated authorities. The TB submission presents the business case in support of a proposed project. It should be a strategic document. TB submissions must be in both official languages (French and English). They should be clear and concise, use everyday language, and follow a logical storyline.

All TB submissions should explain in the "Remarks" section, the project management practices used, as per the NPMS, to develop the project.

Please note that, effective September 2007, the Treasury Board submission requirements and templates have changed. The new approach supports managing for results by establishing clear responsibilities for departments to better define the expected outcomes of new and existing programs. Improving the quality of information and accountability for results are key elements of the new approach to managing spending across government.

More complete details can be found by visiting the following sites:

Information on other departmental resources that could be useful in preparing a Treasury Board submission can be found on the PSPC intranet site (page available on Government of Canada network only).


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Templates have been prepared for various types of RPB project TB submissions that can be obtained by contacting NPMS or by contacting the Accommodation and Portfolio Management and Real Estate Services, Real Property Branch TB Submissions Centre of Expertise.