Asset Projects Roadmap

Inception and Identification Stages


This process is based on main activities and tasks required to manage the front-end of all asset-based projects up to the end of the Identification Stage. It is not intended to cover in detail activities related to any particular solution but rather provides a high level overview from the time an asset requirement is identified to the completion of an IAR that provides the recommended solution. The process is intended to be used as a guide for those having the role of Project Leader or Project Manager. Relevant links are indicated for specific business line information, processes and templates to be used.

The National Project Management System (NPMS) procedures apply to asset-based projects over $1M total value (including GST or HST and excluding any client costs). For asset-based projects under $1M, the NPMS principles remain applicable. However, the level of effort and extent of documentation will vary depending upon a number of factors including the project size and complexity as well as the sensitivity of the project. For these smaller projects, see the principles of the NPMS methodology.

Project Inception stage

Definition Phase


The purpose of the Definition Phase is to provide a forum for vetting real property proposals to ensure that proposed projects are in keeping with PSPC portfolio strategies and respond in the most effective manner possible.

Description of the Work

This phase consists of a formal assessment of proposed projects to ensure that proposals (including opportunities) are assessed against an established set of criteria, that results in a go/no-go decision being made.


  • Problem statement. The issue or opportunity can be client-specific, portfolio-based, or asset-based.
  • Current/ existing program strategies (e.g. Client plans, National Investment Strategy, Regional Investment Strategy, Community Based Investment Strategy, Asset Management Plans, Building Condition Reports).

Activities / Tasks

  1. Define Assessment
    1. Review and identify stakeholders
    2. Consult with stakeholders and document request and/or issue or opportunity
    3. Review client / asset requirement and determine whether a project should be initiated and whether it is consistent with existing program strategies, client accommodation strategy and overall government priorities
    4. Review and determine designation of project as Capital (to be capitalized) or Repair (to be expensed)
    5. Consider potential for impacts / benefits and identify risks
    6. Carry out or update Project Complexity and Risk Assessment (PCRA)
  2. Summarize Decision
    1. Identify funding source to provide seed money for project pre-planning to develop to PPA
    2. Obtain approval for initial assessment of risk and potential triggers
    3. Complete Definition Phase Checklist


  • Broad description of the nature of the request/issue/ opportunity.
  • Assessment of the proposal's consistency with related existing program strategies.


Control point:

Control point Statement of Requirements Approval (SoRA)

Project Identification Stage

Initiation Phase


The purpose of the Initiation Phase is to analyze the Statement of Requirements to provide an initial description of the project objectives, and related issues sufficient to allow for a preliminary assessment on approach of the project within PSPC objectives (i.e. its necessity, its priority and the appropriate level of resources to commit to the next phase).

Description of the Work

The Initiation Phase includes two major activities: 1. Initiate Project (the activity of initial project administration) and 2. Assess Viability (the activity of assessing the potential for the project).


  • Approved Statement of Requirements
  • Other currently known project parameters

Activities / Tasks

  1. Initiate Project
    1. Identify human resources to set up Project Team
    2. Create Project File Structure
    3. Create SIGMA Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBSE)
    4. Verify availability of drawings and specifications with regional/national geomatics office
    5. Assess and document the duty to consult with Aboriginal groups. If required, contact Legal Services for advice and establish an action plan.
    6. Create Preliminary Project Plan (PPP)
  2. Assess Viability
    1. Define Project Parameters
    2. Review of existing Building Evaluation Report
    3. Develop Capital Project Briefing Note (CPBN) (for capital project over $1M)
    4. Update Preliminary Project Plan
    5. Complete Initiation Phase Checklist


  • Definition of project scope requirements
  • Building Evaluation Report
  • CPBN (for capital project over $1M)


Control point:

Control point Preliminary Project Plan Approval (PPPA)

Feasibility Phase


The purpose of the Feasibility Phase is to develop the project requirements and identify a range of solutions that meet those requirements. The Feasibility Report provides the information base that will then be used in the Analysis phase to evaluate solutions and determine the optimum project solution. Its level of detail will depend on the nature, complexity and sensitivities of the project.

Description of the Work

The function of this phase is to evaluate the project's potential for success, as well as to analyze the proposed project elements to ensure that they perform together as an operationally feasible concept. The Feasibility Phase includes two major activities: 1. Finalize Project Requirements (the activity to finalize the problem by verification of previous information and collection of more detailed requirements) 2. Identify Viable Solutions.


  • Definition of project scope requirements
  • Building Evaluation Report
  • Approved Preliminary Project Plan
  • CPBN (for capital project over $1M)

Activities / Tasks

  1. Finalize Project Requirements
    1. Evaluate existing building performance.
    2. Complete building conditions assessment for compliance to latest standards
    3. Validate and complete project parameters
    4. Assess consistency with ARLU (Annual Reference Level Update)
    5. Finalize asset requirement
  2. Identify Viable Solutions
    1. Identify options and establish timeline and risks for each viable option
    2. Produce Feasibility Report (FR)
    3. Update key parameters of the Preliminary Project Plan (PPP)
    4. Complete Feasibility Phase Checklist


  • Building conditions assessment
  • PPP with updated parameters


Control point:

Control point Feasibility Report Approval (FRA)

Analysis Phase


The purpose of the Analysis Phase is to thoroughly examine and evaluate the viable options identified in the Feasibility Phase to arrive at the optimum solution that will satisfy the client's requirements and the project's constraints. The recommended solution together with other viable options and their respective cost estimates, timelines, risks, controls and evaluation criteria, will be put forward in the Investment Analysis Report (IAR) to obtain management authorization and funding commitment by means of Preliminary Project Approval (PPA) for the project. The level of effort required for this phase is dependent on the nature, complexity and sensitivities of the project.

Description of the Work

The Analysis Phase includes two major activities: 1. Analyze Information (the activity of validating all relative documentation), 2. Produce Approval Documents as per type of project (the activity of preparing an Investment Analysis Report and Submission Documents for Preliminary Project Approval).


  • Building conditions assessment
  • Approved Feasibility Report
  • PPP with updated parameters

Activities / Tasks

  1. Analyze Information
    1. Validate data in Feasibility Report
    2. Gather and review all available project documentation
    3. Develop indicative cost estimate for each viable option identified in Feasibility Report
    4. Review and confirm timeline and risks for each option
    5. Analyze options
    6. Recommend optimum solution
    7. Identify any non-compliance with Federal Office Building Standards and obtain approval as required.
      Note - Non-compliances are to be identified throughout the duration of the project and may commence in the Initiation Phase.
  2. Produce Approval Documents as per type of project
    1. Prepare IAR (Investment Analysis Report)
    2. Complete a Risk Management Plan for the preferred option
    3. Complete Environmental Compliance Management Program (ECMP) Checklist (if required)
    4. Obtain Preliminary Identification of Environmental Services Required (PIESR) from Environmental Services Directorate (if required)
    5. Identify commissioning technical performance expectations and commissioning functional requirements (if required)
    6. Reconfirm or update Project Complexity and Risk Assessment (PCRA)
    7. If value of project over departmental delegation, prepare TB Submission Documents for PPA
    8. Complete Analysis Phase Checklist


  • ADM decision on request for non-compliance with Federal Office Building Standards as required
  • Risk Management Plan
  • Completed approval Documents for PPA
  • Completed TB Submission Documents if required


Control Point

Control point Preliminary Project Approval (PPA)

Identification Stage Close Out Phase


The purpose of the Identification Close Out Phase is to ensure an appropriate level of assessment, reporting, evaluation, handover exchange, and administrative closure has taken place that will provide enough directional detail to seamlessly proceed to the Delivery Stage.

Description of the Work

This final phase of the Identification Stage provides an executive summary of all significant developments, identifies any quality-related issues, and concludes with final-stage closure.


  • Approved Investment Analysis Report (IAR)
  • Risk Management Plan
  • ADM decision on non compliance request with Federal Office Building Standards as required
  • TB submission document for PPA approval (if required)

Activities / Tasks

  1. Close-Out Stage activities
    1. Gather team and client feedback and document lessons learned
    2. Review project files for completeness
    3. Complete Identification Close Out Document (ICOD)


  • Completed feedback
  • Completed project files
  • Lessons Learned


Project Delivery Stage

Proceed to Design-Bid-Build Projects Roadmap - Delivery Stage or to Design Build Projects Delivery Stage Roadmap