Lease projects roadmap

Delivery stage


This Lease Projects Roadmap is based on main activities and tasks required to manage the delivery of lease projects. It is not intended to cover in detail activities related to the lease space acquisition process but rather provides a high level overview for the Project Delivery Stage activities from the time that a Lease Project Approval has been obtained and the Identification Stage Close Out Phase activities have been completed. For steps to be taken during these front-end stages, see the Space Projects Roadmap – Inception and Identification Stages.

This roadmap is intended to be used as a guide for those having the role of Accommodation Manager, Project Leader, or Project Manager. Relevant links are indicated for specific business line information, processes and templates to be used.

The National Project Management System (NPMS) procedures apply to all space-based projects over 3,000 m2 rentable (regions) or 5,000 m2 rentable (National Capital Area / Parliamentary Precinct). For projects under these limits, the NPMS principles remain applicable. However, the level of effort and extent of documentation will vary depending upon a number of factors including the project size and complexity as well as the sensitivity of the project. For these smaller projects, see the principles of the National Project Management System methodology (available on Government of Canada network only).

The methodology utilized for lease projects are governed by the Federal Real Property and Federal Immovables Act (FRPFIA) and its Regulations. The lease agreement signed between Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) and the landlord allows PSPC to have lessee's improvements carried out by the landlord in the leased premises and this, at any time prior to and during the Term of the lease. To do so, PSPC enters into one or more "Sub-agreement(s) for Lessee's Improvements" with the landlord, under which the landlord engages architectural and engineering consultants as well as contractors to provide and deliver the required design and construction services.

All other contracts (for example, furniture, move, etc.) fall under the contract regulations.

Project delivery stage

Planning phase


The purpose of the Planning Phase is to confirm the quality and completeness of the existing project information in an effort to develop and organize lease project delivery strategy.

Description of the work

During this phase, all previous parameters of the project are validated and an agreement for delivery is reached or re-confirmed by the project team. The lease acquisition process will also be undertaken and recommendation for lease contract award concluded when lease renewal or lease acquisition are required.


  • Identification Close Out Document (ICOD)
  • Project Approval (PA), Expenditure Authority (EA), and Lease Contract Approval (LCA) (if obtained for projects which required TB submissions), and Sole Source approval, if required
  • Approved Feasibility Report (AFR)
  • Approved Investment Analysis Report (IAR)
  • Preliminary Workplace 2.0 Accreditation Evaluation Grid
  • Market Survey
  • Market Analysis Report
  • Functional Program (if required)
  • Space Requirement
  • Project Charter (not required for a lease renewal with no fit-up)
  • Project Complexity and Risk Assessment (PCRA) (if required)
  • Environmental Compliance Management Program (ECMP) Checklist (if required)
  • Preliminary Identification of Environmental Services Required (PIESR) (if required)
  • Other currently known project parameters

Activities / Tasks

  1. Start-up Stage
    1. Refine Project Team
    2. Update Functional Program, as required
    3. Create Project Management Plan
    4. Update Project Charter
    5. Update Project File Structure (financial codes, confirm funds, etc.)

      Note: Project Management Plan and Project Charter are not required for a Lease Renewal project where there is no fit-up.

  2. Undertake Leasing acquisition
    1. Prepare Leasing Mandate when lease acquisition is required
    2. Proceed with the acquisition process as per the Project Approval (PA) (Framework and Processes for Leasing of Real Property in Public Services and Procurement Canada [available on Government of Canada network only])
    3. Prepare document for seeking Lease Contract Approval (LCA).

      Note - Where TB approval was required for PA/EA, LCA authority may have been obtained in the Analysis Phase

    4. Complete Planning Phase Checklist


  • Updated Project Charter (if required)
  • Lease Contract Award Recommendation


Control Point

Control pointProject Management Plan Approval (PMPA) / Confirmed Lease Project Approval

Note: Prior to awarding the lease contract, PA and EA are to be confirmed to ensure that the terms and conditions of the proposed lease contract are within the approved project parameters. The PA and EA will need to be reaffirmed again in the Design Phase, once the fit-up costs are estimated (when the substantive cost estimate is received).

Design phase


The purpose of the Design Phase is to conclude a lease agreement, and come up with a design solution which meets client functional and operational requirements while forming an integral part of the base building system in the leased premise. With pre-construction documents ready, and other project expenses have substantive cost estimates, PA/EA will be either confirmed or amended, at the end of the Phase.

Description of the work

The Design Phase includes four major activities: 1. Award Lease, 2. Procure, 3. Develop Design (the activity by which client functional and operational requirements are translated into spatial, architectural and engineering terms for development into construction documents), and 4. Reaffirm PA/EA in light of full project costs, now to include the estimated fit-up costs. Quality Assurance reviews, approvals and risk assessments are critical during this phase. This phase can resume in a Lease Contract Award, if no fit-up is required.


  • Approved Project Management Plan (if required)
  • Updated Project Charter (if required)
  • Lease Contract Award Recommendation

Activities / Tasks

  1. Award Lease
    1. Seek Lease Contract Approval
    2. Sign Lease Contract Award Letter (available on Government of Canada network only)
  2. Procure
    1. Prepare RFP/TOR (mandate) for Consultant Services
    2. Procure consultant services
    3. Complete the Project Team
    4. Sign Sub-Agreement with Landlord for Consulting Services and/or Construction Documents (available on Government of Canada network only) (if provided by the Lessor)
  3. Develop Design
    1. Develop Concept and Design for approval by client
    2. Prepare furniture layouts for approval by client
    3. Prepare Moving Plans for approval by client
    4. Prepare Furniture and Equipment and Systems Procurement Documents
    5. Review for consistency with The Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards and the Space Allocation Standards at each design activity and obtain approval as required
    6. Update the Workplace 2.0 Accreditation Evaluation Grid
  4. Reaffirm PA/EA
    1. Prepare cost estimate
    2. Confirm PA/EA
    3. Revise IAR, if amended PA/EA needs to be sought
    4. Update key parameters of the PMP
    5. Complete Design Phase Checklist


  • ADM decision on non-compliance request(s) to the Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards as required
  • Signed Lease Contract award letter
  • RFP/TOR (mandate) for Consultant Services
  • Sub-agreement with landlord for consulting services as part of the design process
  • Cost estimates
  • Client signoffs on design documents (vertical stacking, horizontal blocking, furniture, moves, cabling, security, etc.)
  • Revised IAR if required.
  • PMP with updated parameters


  • Note: For amended PA/EA, reconfirm or update Project Complexity and Risk Assessment (PCRA)

Control Point

Control pointAmended or reconfirmed PA/EA - based upon both lease award letter and fit-up estimated costs

Implementation phase


The purpose of the Implementation Phase is to produce an end product of acceptable quality which meets client requirements.

Description of the work

The Implementation Phase is where all the plans and related strategies are put into motion. All construction-related (or physical 'work') activities are carried out. The Implementation Phase includes the following three major activities: 1. Procure (the activity whereby tenders are called, submissions are evaluated, Sub-agreement(s) is(are) signed with the landlord and other contracts are awarded), 2. Construct (the activity whereby all contracts are administered in order to deliver the end product to the client), 3. Accept Work (the activity whereby the end product is inspected and accepted).


  • ADM decision on non-compliance request(s) to the Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards as required
  • Awarded Lease Contract (signed Lease Agreement)
  • RFP/TOR (mandate) for Consultant Services
  • Sub-agreement with landlord for consulting services as part of the design process
  • Cost estimates
  • Client signoffs on design documents (vertical stacking, horizontal blocking, furniture, moves, cabling, security, etc.)
  • If applicable, confirmed or amended PA/EA Documentation (including revised IAR, if required)
  • PMP with updated parameters

Activities / Tasks

  1. Procure (construction and other contractors/suppliers)
    1. Obtain construction documents (specs and drawings for fit-up or leasehold improvements)
    2. Conduct review at 33-66-99% (for fit-up projects) to ensure compliance with the Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards and Space Allocation Standards, and obtain approval as required
    3. Obtain tender calls by landlord
    4. Award Contracts to assure delivery of project
    5. Sign Sub-Agreement with Landlord for construction of lease premises
  2. Construct
    1. Administer the contracts
    2. Proceed to site quality control of construction by landlord
  3. Accept Work
    1. Inspection and commissioning of all deliverables
    2. Assemble as-built documents
    3. Ensure training is provided and manuals delivered
    4. Issue Interim Certificate of Completion of Lessee's Improvements
    5. Return contracts securities (including hold-backs)
    6. Transfer site to Real Property Manager
    7. Client Move-in
    8. Update key parameters of the PMP
    9. Complete Implementation Phase Checklist


  • ADM decision on non-compliance request(s) to the Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards as required
  • Signed Contracts
  • Sub-agreement with landlord for construction of lease premises
  • Signed Interim Certificate of Completion of Lessee's Improvements (Product Turn-Over)
  • Completed Commissioning Report, O&M Manuals and As-Built Documentation
  • Site transferred to Real Property Manager
  • PMP with updated parameters


  • Product Turn-Over (PTO) (Interim Certificate of Completion of Lessee's Improvements)

Control point

Control pointTurn-Over Approval (TOA)

Delivery satage close out phase


In an effort to improve overall project performance and client satisfaction, both product and process performance will be documented and assessed against pre-determined performance criteria. The process of Continual Improvement is imperative to the overall enhancement of project delivery within PSPC. The basis for the continual improvement process is its encapsulation of both positive and negative elements of the project.

Description of the work

The Delivery Close Out Phase is the final and arguably, the most integral stage of the project. It not only gives the team the opportunity to tie-up all loose ends, but it allows for a thorough assessment of all aspects of the projects. This assessment underscores any performance targets that were reached, surpassed or not met. In addition, the Continual Improvement Process provides a valuable method for highlighting successes as well as deficiencies reported throughout the life of the project. These records form the basis for systematic improvements to the way similar projects will be delivered in the future. The Close Out Phase includes two major activities: 1. Close-outs of contracts (the activity whereby all aspects of the performance and conformance of the end product with respect to specific equipment, installation or services provided are analyzed and evaluated), 2. Close Project (the activity of gathering and assessing project performance data).


  • ADM decision on non-compliance request(s) to the Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards as required
  • Signed Contracts
  • Sub-agreement with landlord for construction of lease premises
  • Signed Interim Certificate of Completion of Lessee's Improvements
  • Completed Commissioning Report, O&M Manuals and As-Built Documentation
  • Site transferred to Real Property Manager
  • PMP with updated parameters

Activities / Tasks

  1. Close-outs of Contracts
    1. Perform Post-Occupancy Inspection
    2. Issue Final Certificate of Completion of Lessee's Improvements
    3. Perform Warranty Activities
    4. Process final payments and close contracts as per financial and contracting regulations
  2. Close Project
    1. Execute Final Space Measurement
    2. Ensure Occupancy Instrument is in place
    3. Gather End-User Feedback, and document lessons learned
    4. Submit the completed Workplace 2.0 Accreditation Evaluation Grid to
    5. Send as-builts to the regional Geomatics group to allow updates of current drawings
    6. Complete Administrative Close Out Activities
    7. Complete Close Out Document
    8. Complete final recording of documents


  • Final Certificate of Completion of Lessee's Improvements
  • Final Records Documents
  • Consultant Evaluation Report
  • Post-Occupancy Inspection Report
  • Final space measurement
  • Updated/Final PMP
  • Final Lessons Learned


  • Close Out Document (COD)

Control point

Control pointClose Out Document Approval (CODA)