Apply for security screening for your personnel

Find out how to get your personnel cleared to work on sensitive government contracts by getting a personnel security screening through the Contract Security Program.

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About personnel security screenings

The federal government conducts security screening for employees of organizations registered in the Contract Security Program.

A personnel security screening is required for employees who need to access federal government protected or classified information, assets and work sites as part of a contract. It must be completed before work begins.

As set out in the Standard on Security Screening, the security screening process evaluates an individual's reliability and loyalty to Canada.

Types of personnel security clearance

A successful personnel security screening leads to a security clearance. Your organization may request the following types of security clearances for your personnel:

What personnel security clearance do you need?

Who is eligible for a personnel security screening

Need-to-know principle

The need-to-know principle restricts access to sensitive information and assets. Employees are entitled to access based only on their duties. Access is not based on status, rank or level of clearance.

Who requires a security screening

A security screening is required for any of your employees who need to work on a contract with security requirements, and who are not currently security screened with your organization.

Who can have their security screening transferred

If a new employee has a valid security screening from previous employment, it can be transferred to a new workplace provided the following criteria are met:

Who can request a security screening

Individual employees do not initiate their own security screenings. The Contract Security Program allows registered organizations to administer security screenings on behalf of their employees.

The company security officer (CSO) for your organization determines who needs to be security screened based on the security requirements of the contract.

What forms need to be completed

Using the following table, the company security officer (CSO) can determine which form(s) to complete.

You can either:

Table A: Forms required for each type of personnel clearance

Level of screening Type of screening Required forms to be completed
  • Reliability status
  • new
  • update
  • Secret
  • NATO/Secret
  • Top Secret
  • Enhanced Top Secret
  • COSMIC Top SecretFootnote 1
  • Top Secret SIGINT
  • new
  • update
  • supplemental
  • upgrade
  • All levels
  • transfer
  • duplicate
  • reactivation
  • All levels
  • termination

Complete forms online (recommended)

Submitting applications online is a convenient and effective service that increases the accuracy of the applications and allows the program to initiate the process more quickly.

The Contract Security Program's online industrial security services (OLISS) portal lets authorized users:

As well, authorized federal government users can complete and submit Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's security requirements checklists. A separate registration is required for this service.

Register for the online services


Learn how to complete and submit online forms

Complete forms by hand

Please note that manual requests may be subject to processing delays.

  1. Consult Table A above to determine the required form
  2. Select the form
  3. Print the form
  4. Consult the company security officer's guide to completing and submitting personnel security screening forms


For company security officers that need to access the status of security screenings of an employee working for another organization:

For individuals who wish to consent to have their security screening status shared with other organizations:

Processing times

Processing times for personnel security screenings depend on the level of security required and the type and complexity of request. More complex requests will take longer, and may include:

Processing times for personnel security screenings

Type of personnel security screening request Processing time
Reliability status – simple request 7 business days upon receipt of a properly completed request
Reliability status – complex request 120 business days upon receipt of a properly completed request
Classified Secret clearance request 75 business days (in addition to reliability screening timelines) upon receipt of a properly completed request

Security screening decisions

The program will inform the CSO directly about the decision to grant, deny, revoke or close a personnel security clearance.

If a security screening is granted

A security screening is granted to employees who are determined to be:

Once the security screening is granted by the program, the CSO must:

If a security screening is denied or revoked

In some cases, security screenings are denied or revoked. The reasons for denial and revocation are defined in the following Government of Canada policy:

The program will notify the applicant of the decision by registered letter and how they may appeal the decision. The program will also inform the CSO of the decision by registered letter, but will provide only the results and not the reasons why a reliability status and /or security clearance was denied or revoked.

If a security screening is closed

Your security screening request will be closed if:

Closed files will always be returned to the CSO, along with the reason for the closure.

CSOs with questions about file closures should contact the Contract Security Program.

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