Public review of organic agriculture standards

Draft editions of two national standards of Canada for organic production systems are available for public review

Ottawa, July 23, 2014 ― The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) has released draft editions of the following Organic Agriculture Standards:

  • CAN/CGSB 32.310 Organic production systems ― General principles and management standards
  • CAN/CGSB 32.311 Organic production systems ― Permitted substances lists

These two standards can now be downloaded for public review. Alternatively, you can contact CGSB at Contact Canadian General Standards Board.

It is anticipated that there will be two public review periods. The first period of public review will be for a minimum of 60 days in accordance with the development of a National Standard of Canada and will be opened for comments until September 22, 2014.

Two versions of each draft are available, a copy showing the proposed changes since the last edition, and a copy not showing these proposed changes, to facilitate reading. No changes have been balloted for approval by the committee to date. In addition, copies of the minutes of the two meetings for the development of these standards are available and detail the rationale for the changes and items rejected. Here is a list of the documents available in English and French:

To access the documents in French, please go to this site:

Documents will be in the folder:

  • Public Review - examen public / Discussion/032/20 Organic Agriculture - Agriculture biologique

To access the documents in English, please go to CGSB SiteScape Forum

  • English documents:
    • Draft CAN/CGSB 32.310 – English – Changes not identified
    • Draft CAN/CGSB 32.310 – English – With changes identified
    • Draft CAN/CGSB 32.311 – English – Change s not identified
    • Draft CAN/CGSB 32.311 – English – With changes identified
    • Change form
      • Minutes of December 2013 Meeting
      • Draft Minutes of April 2014 Meeting
  • French documents:
    • Draft CAN/CGSB 32.310 – French– Changes not identified
    • Draft CAN/CGSB 32.310 – French – With changes identified
    • Draft CAN/CGSB 32.311 – French – Changes not identified
    • Draft CAN/CGSB 32.311 – French – With changes identified
    • Change forM
      • Minutes of December 2013 Meeting
      • Draft Minutes of April 2014 Meeting

Members of the committee, organisations, institutions and the public are encouraged to submit comments, with supporting rationale, for any recommended changes. Technical changes, translation issues and major editorial improvement s are welcome, but minor editorial changes are not recommended. Only submissions sent via the Change Form with the appropriate supporting information will be accepted. Please note that the standards do not include individual products or brand-names.

The Canadian General Standards Board will then compile, group and prioritize comments for the committee and disposition. The goal is to amend and re-issue the drafts, ballot by the committee and publish in Summer 2015.

The current standards (2006 edition, last amended in 2011) remain the latest editions and are still in effect.

If you want more information about the process or stay informed of the work of the committee, please contact

Mark Schuessler

Canadian General Standards Board