Review Panel


The Review Panel is the cornerstone of the Certification Program. It is made up of selected independent and impartial subject-matter functional specialists and learning experts who review Candidate Achievement Records (CAR) submitted to CGSB by the candidates to ensure that the candidate meets all competency requirements.

The review panel may be called upon to review all applicant information and recommend or not recommend the candidate's eligibility to take the level I knowledge exam. A negative response from any member will be resolved by CGSB before any recommendation is finalized.

Level II Review Panel will not only review the CAR but also mark the Level II Case Study.

The Review Panel, because of its diversified membership, will also be instrumental in making recommendations on corrective measures on issues that could have an impact on the success of the Certification Program.

Terms of Reference

  • Membership is subject to approval by the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) management.
  • Subcommittees and working groups may also be created to support the Review Panel, as required.
  • Assess requests by applicants for the waiver of one or more requirements of the Program based on knowledge and experience.
  • May recommend the acceptance or rejection of applications for certification.
  • May make recommendations to the Manager, Personnel Certification Division, on subjects pertaining to policy and operating procedures, as related to Panel activity and scope of interest.


The Review Panel

Level II Case Study