Work Beginning on New National Standard of Canada for Personal Protective Equipment for Investigating and Dismantling of Clandestine Drug Laboratories

Ottawa, December 9, 2014 - Public Works and Government Services Canada's Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) announces today the beginning of work on a new National Standard of Canada CAN/CGSB/CSA-Z1640, Personal protective equipment for investigating and dismantling of clandestine drug laboratories.

This National Standard of Canada is a joint undertaking by CGSB and CSA Group to assist first responders in selection, use and care of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during the high risk operation of investigating and dismantling Clan Labs, consequently, becoming a key resource for those responsible for training. This standard will identify types of clandestine labs and types of hazardous materials found in clandestine labs and associated risks. This standard will include requirements for PPE (breathing apparatus/respirators, face/hood/head protection, gloves, and footwear), address key issues such as interchangeability and interoperability of equipment, and provide information on capabilities, limitations and decontamination/disposal of PPE. This standard will utilize data and research on past events that have occurred and the lessons learned from those past events, and contribute to understanding the characteristics and effects of exposure to various hazards found in a clandestine laboratory environment.

CGSB administers the standards development process using balanced technical committees to arrive at voluntary consensus standards that can become National Standards of Canada.

This advisory is to notify the public and key stakeholders the work is commencing.

A draft of the standard will be made available for public review and comment in 2015 through the normal standards development process.

For more information, please review the Frequently Asked Questions, or contact CGSB at