Public Service Pay Centre update

The pay issues currently being experienced by public servants are unacceptable, and we are working tirelessly at all levels to resolve them.

The Working Group of Ministers made a commitment to be open and transparent about progress in addressing problems with the Phoenix pay system. The goal is to provide federal employees and the public with clearer, more useful information. To that end, a new version of the public service pay dashboard is being introduced. It has been redesigned to better track the progress being made in ensuring that public servants are paid accurately and on time. The pay issues currently being experienced by public servants are unacceptable, and we are working collaboratively at all levels to resolve them.

The new dashboard is now available, and updates will continue to be provided on a monthly basis going forward.

The new dashboard presents information on three main areas.

1. Transactions beyond normal workload

The first measure is the number of transactions beyond our normal workload. The Public Service Pay Centre can normally process approximately 80,000 transactions each month. Eventually, the goal is to have zero transactions beyond the normal workload. Note that these numbers have been rounded for clarity and represent transactions with a financial impact.

2. Public Service Pay Centre workflow

The second measure is the workflow going through the Public Service Pay Centre. These numbers represent how many transactions are received and processed each month. The goal is to process more transactions than are received, thereby reducing the number of transactions beyond normal workload.

3. Percentage of transactions processed within service standards

The third measure is the percentage of transactions that are processed within the service standards. Previous dashboards listed separate types of transactions and their corresponding service standards. Presenting information this way made sense because of the prioritization of specific transaction types to bring them in line with service standards. However, given the focus on collective agreements, there is a move towards a more holistic and employee-centric approach where a variety of transactions are processed in an employee’s pay file at the same time. Therefore, presenting an average of all service standards to provide an overall indication of progress is a more accurate metric.


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