Contact the Pay Centre

Report a pay issue!

What to do if you are having pay issues

Follow up on your case

Track myCASE (available on the Government of Canada network only). If your department or agency is serviced by the Public Service Pay Centre, you can now follow the status of your pay-related case. Find out more about Track myCASE (available on the Government of Canada network only).

Note that most pay transactions and activities require a completed pay action request form, signed by a trusted source in your department.


If you do not have access to the Government of Canada network, or your department or agency is not serviced by the Pay Centre, please use the Phoenix feedback form.

General enquiries

General enquiries do not require a pay action request form. Contact us online, by mail or by telephone.


Report a problem or submit a comment about the new pay system via the Phoenix feedback form.


Public Services and Procurement Canada
Public Service Pay Centre: Mail Facility
PO Box 6500
Matane QC G4W 0H6


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