Trusted sources and pay action requests

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Making a pay-related request or inquiry

A pay action request form must accompany all pay-related requests submitted by email to the Public Service Pay Centre.

The pay action request form is a standard, machine-readable form. This form will allow client departments to continue using their own departmental forms when services are transferred to the Pay Centre.

Important: The Pay Centre will reject requests submitted without a fully completed pay action request form.

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Trusted sources and request authentication

The Public Service Pay Centre uses designated trusted sources to ensure that professionals with signing authority under section 34 of the Financial Administration Act have approved certain pay-related requests. These trusted sources authenticate approvals related to any request that affects financial results or a manager’s budget. Once the designated trusted source confirms that a request has been approved by an entity with signing authority under section 34, the request is submitted to the Public Service Pay Centre for processing.

Important departmental responsibilities

Departments are responsible for ensuring the proper administration and application of the Financial Administration Act to all pay requests submitted to the Pay Centre.

Requests that use PeopleSoft as a trusted source

PeopleSoft is the designated trusted source for certain pay-related requests. In these cases, the Public Service Pay Centre relies on departmental controls to ensure that an authenticated section 34 signatory has approved the requests before entering them into PeopleSoft.

Submit a completed pay action request form to the Public Service Pay Centre, preferably electronically, along with the following requests via PeopleSoft:

  • new hire
  • transfer-in
  • assigned work week
    • part-time to full-time
    • full-time to part-time
  • change in tenure
    • casual to term
    • term to indeterminate
  • dual remuneration
    • extension of term
  • pay allowances
    • bilingual bonus
  • promotion
  • deployment
  • dual employment
  • demotion
  • acting pay
  • conversion
  • lay-off
  • end of term
  • end of casual or student

Requests that use a departmental contact as a trusted source

Other pay-related requests require authentication by an identified departmental trusted source, including:

  • performance pay
  • isolated post
  • leave without pay
  • return from leave without pay
  • extra duty pay (paper)
  • leave with income averaging
  • pre-retirement transition leave
  • time summary
    • time sheet
  • membership fees
  • ab initio

Departments are responsible for ensuring that the Public Service Pay Centre has a current trusted source contact list for their organization.

Submit a pay action request or a bulk pay action request with these pay-related requests. The Pay Centre will review all incoming requests to ensure that the trusted source appearing on the form corresponds with an identified departmental trusted source.

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