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Upcoming releases: September 2007

(Release dates are subject to change.)

September 2007
Release date Title Reference period
6 Building permits July 2007
7 Labour Force Survey August 2007
10 Study: Government revenues attributable to tourism 2000 to 2006
10 Study: Canada's immigrant labour market 2006
11 Canadian international merchandise trade July 2007
11 Grain stocks July 2007
11 New Housing Price Index July 2007
12 2006 Census: Marital status, common-law status, families, households, and housing and dwelling characteristics 2006
13 Industrial capacity utilization rates Second quarter 2007
13 Canada's international investment position Second quarter 2007
14 Monthly Survey of Manufacturing July 2007
14 Labour productivity, hourly compensation and unit labour cost Second quarter 2007
17 Canada's international transactions in securities July 2007
17 National balance sheet accounts Second quarter 2007
18 New motor vehicle sales July 2007
18 Canadian Social Trends 1971 to 2001
19 Consumer Price Index August 2007
19 Control and sale of alcoholic beverages 2006
19 Leading indicators August 2007
20 Wholesale trade July 2007
20 Canadian Economic Observer (Internet) September 2007
20 Travel between Canada and other countries July 2007
21 Retail trade July 2007
21 Births 2005
24 Perspectives on labour and income 2006
25 A geographical look at employment trends in the core public administration 1995 to 2006
25 Employment Insurance July 2007
25 Payroll employment, earnings and hours July 2007
26 Film and video distribution 2005
26 Envirostats 2002
27 Demographic estimates As of July 1st, 2007
27 National tourism indicators Second quarter 2007
28 Sound recording and music publishing 2005
28 Industrial product and raw materials price indexes August 2007
28 Gross domestic product by industry July 2007

See also the release dates for major economic indicators for the rest of the year.

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