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Marriage and families

Winter 2007 Staying at home longer
Summer 2007 Delayed transitions of young adults
February 2007 Time spent with family during a typical workday, 1986 to 2005
October 2006 Interreligious unions in Canada
October 2006 Junior comes back home: Trends and predictors of returning to the parental home
August 2006 When is junior moving out? Transitions from the parental home to independence
Summer 2006 Till death do us part? The risk of first and second marriage dissolution
Spring 2006 Parents with adult children living at home
Summer 2005 Always a bridesmaid: People who don't expect to marry
Summer 2005 The sandwich generation
Spring 2005 Marital satisfaction during the retirement years
Summer 2004 Kids witnessing family violence
Summer 2004 Mixed unions
Winter 2003 Across the generations: grandparents and grandchildren
Winter 2003 Parental leave: more time off for baby
Autumn 2003 May-December: Canadians in age-discrepant relationships
Autumn 2003 Would you live common-law?
Summer 2003 Child free by choice
Summer 2003 Couples living apart
Summer 2003 Update on families
Spring 2003 Family violence against seniors
Spring 2003 Motherhood and paycheques
Winter 2002 On the edge: financially vulnerable families
Autumn 2002 Are families getting richer?
Spring 2002 Staying in touch: contact between adults and their parents
Autumn 2001 Family disruptions and childhood happiness
Summer 2001 Evolving family living arrangements of Canada's immigrants
Autumn 2000 A family affair: children's participation in sports
Summer 2000 Being there: the time dual-earner couples spend with their children
Spring 2000 One hundred years of families
Spring 2000 The changing face of conjugal relationships
Winter 1999 Family characteristics of problem kids
Summer 1999 Under one roof: three generations living together
Summer 1999 Who has a third child?
Summer 1999 Widows living alone
Spring 1999 The crowded nest: young adults living at home
Autumn 1998 Religious observance, marriage and family
Autumn 1998 Trends in contraceptive sterilization
Autumn 1998 When parents replace teachers: the home schooling option
Summer 1998 Getting ahead in life: does your parents' education count?
Summer 1998 Getting ahead in life: does your parents' income count?
Spring 1998 Canadian attitudes to divorce
Spring 1998 The impact of family structure on high school completion
Spring 1998 What influences people's plans to have children?
Winter 1997 Moving in together: the formation of first common-law unions
Autumn 1997 Attitudes toward women, work and family
Autumn 1997 Changes in women's work continuity
Autumn 1996 Living with relatives
Winter 1995 Canadian fertility, 1951 to 1993: from boom to bust to stability
Autumn 1995 Leaving the nest? The impact of family structure
Spring 1995 Working mothers

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