Canadian Studies

Some lessons require access to E-STAT.

  1. Lessons
  2. Key resources
  3. Data
Elementary Intermediate Secondary External Links

  • Urban and Rural Communities (view)
Intermediate (covers senior elementary to junior high)
  • Aboriginal peoples, 2001 Census (view)
  • Canada and its trading partners (E-STAT) (view)
  • Families, 2001 Census (view)
  • Farming is going Dutch (view) Census of Agriculture, 1996
  • Federal elections (view) Canada Year Book 1999
  • Government policy and the economy (view) Canada Year Book 1999
  • Have American Food Products Invaded the Canadian Market? (Section I) Census of Agriculture, 1996
  • How Well Do You Know Canada? (view)
  • Immigration and citizenship, 2001 Census (view)
  • Inflation and the level of Canada's economy (view) Canada Year Book 1999
  • Political parties and election results (E-STAT) (view)
  • Provincial showdown (view) Canada Year Book 2001
  • Thank goodness it's Friday (view)
  • What exactly is 'value added' anyway? (view) Census of Agriculture, 1996
  • Wheat — The tradition is going strong (view) Census of Agriculture, 1996
  • Canada and its trading partners (E-STAT) (view)
  • Federal elections (view) Canada Year Book 1999
  • Government deficits and debt (view) Canada Year Book 1999
  • Government policy and the economy (view) Canada Year Book 1999
  • Government trade policy and Canada's balance of trade (view) Canada Year Book 1999
  • How Well Do You Know Canada? (view)
  • Inflation and the level of Canada's economy (view) Canada Year Book 1999
  • Provincial showdown (view) Canada Year Book 2001
  • Thank goodness it's Friday (view)
External Links
  • Migration: The Human Journey, 41 lessons searchable by provincial curriculum and level (Canadian Council for Geographic Education)

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