David Dowker


These decimals are a kind of fixation, supernumerary entity
of an impure mathematics.

Their colours corroded, spelt through the leaves of a late
autumn day.

The absolute mass of inertia doubled over in laughter at
those lineaments of sublimated desire.

Here a flag flags, there an encrypted call is heard.

The answer dances, is that it is processed (after a fashion)
as a bouncing chorus line of mimes.

The swift numbers running from the sculpted air each

Still a form of despair but not yet a diagram of pain, I ask:
is it the aggregate emptiness of a busy life? Or the absence
of some larger activity to engage the river god, idling o'er
the plaited waves?

It seems as if I am being read by something.

Absent-mindedly, missing the sense of things.

Meanwhile the exhilarants thrill to their extruded pleasures
and the insects record in part or wholly the proceedings on
digital chitin. Dig it.

The wave forms (and) slip(s) away (and we bid adieu) a way
the human mind can remain, espaliered as any artificial

An energetic plumbed gap, awaiting.

Something seeded in the head.

In the powers that be, exponential, the raised surface of
that formulation, this book of changes.


what nearly became entangled
with the articulation

she is rhythmic
as the sea is

the shape within the flute
congruent to the labyrinth
inside the ear

noise of the whorl

(genital etymologies)

later wave spawned language

and surf poetics
spume swell in-
sistent faceted


Various dreams were hindrances.

Partial obscures, or stoppages.

        It is the removal of the Outside.

By this I mean the arrangement of the screens.

                Gamut hinted at, perhaps apt gap
                in the rapture.

Point sublime not taken.

                Chasm phantasmal.

        Grok this. This is, after all, the present pastoral,
        and I am that ambivalent bract, in theory replete.

        Got rural if you want it, or revels in the suburban

                Hatted or pate naked to the insidious rays
                of the deregulated sun.

                        Simply a matter of disposition.

        The poets of the concrete demobbed. Patamilitary
        in tatters.

                Shall we speak of empires, and dance?
                Resistance is febrile. The land and its avatars
                carry big hammers.

        So chill to the incendiary.

                Somebody's been planting cryptograms
                in the free trade zone again.

Given as a way in.
