Patrick F. Durgin


merest.  dealing in amorous dividends.  sustaining the body.  -like
abandoned think piece.  dealing the body-like abandoned.  letting
recollection.  seep in.  the amorous.  in silence a partition grows slack.
despite the season.  a burst impasse.  silence despite seasonal glut.
floods.  letting.  sustaining dividends seep in.  insect weather.  space but
to breathe.  in lieu of the universe write letters.  abandoned in lieu.  put
a stop to the click-clock slap-dash utterance.  repetition to say something
constituting what attracts us.  what sustains us to say.  antidotes or a
counter substance.  make an exhibition.  letters in lieu.  of a journey.  a
monument of it.  of a monument.  make of it a counter stop.  space to

anyplace without benches attracts poets.  or anyplace without benches
attracts poets.  now seeking another.  too brief are our passages.  poets
brief passages anyplace.  seeking any benches.  passing through to sleep one
wakes.  to find a letter.  seeking a verse.  yesterday's birdsong.  apposite
flux.  yesterday's apposite needing lack alas as it were hypothetical.
hypothetical of course.  of course to hear the huffing.  lack it of course.
one must manufacture it or mime.  two doing the work.  the work of one.
working one's way into a whole.

the extenuating tempos of civic errands.  model misplaced copies avail.  a
downed oak across the crosswalk.  green water and white caps blinking into a
duct.  starting out white.  extenuating green downed and caps finking out.
into model prices.  course studded with cache conferring nods which muddle
and gully.  accelerate anyhow.  encryption system overlaid with encryption
system overlaid with encryption system.  and so on to their destination in
their vehicle on their time so that it was easy and reasonable:  after all:
calling us freeloaders.  and despising us as we became these enhanced yet
abject grumps.  referrals in short-shrift.  furnishing:  returning.  a brisk
pitted plum a lump in the memory's horizon.  get your line of questioning in
line or bit-map bit your line of winking.

the dollar is psycho-somatic.  an officiating gesture and flim-flam:  in
that order.  in my day I was famous and completely alone.  answers are
futile.  you begin guessing.  you gesture and the dollar sharp odor of
pigments and sound of banter condensed as if behind a door.  the totalizing
trope is native to the language.  language is acquired comeuppance.  forms
are affirmed tropes.  a door forms.  the futile.  an independent council
brain-storms its own comeuppance.  nature's forms ought to sound
officiating.  I think someone ought to mess with Texas.  meet the occasion
half way.  americana cause you wanna.  it's like this:  isolate fix and
extrapolate.  scavengers are nature's bane and are outside it.

you will be invoiced at some point.  spend everything.  "what the world
gives us to think" comes after words.  oppose it to dream in a ploy to
awaken.  spend every thought this way.  in opposition.  at some point you
will be invoiced.  suppose you point at will.  be what comes after.  doubt.
be what comes to doubt.  be at some point at some time.  suppose the dream.

do we suffer premonitions of suffering premonitions or suffering
premonitions.  do we ever suffer nothing's possible ever.  do we ever never
suffer that.  this new unisex dirge is "old as the hills."  a paraphrasal
heritage or do we suffer.  suppose we never suffer this heritage.  how do we
ever premonitions familiar.  carries some such spleen.  a flask of lotion
brings the fishbowel effect.  lotion for the stomach of thought balding in
acid conjecture.  the fishbowel effect of corners.  alone at a table
balding.  reflect effect corners.  conject a way out.  and do we suffer a
way.  this new possible out.  and it's always inclement nowadays.

Does what can't be written deserve to be lived?--Bachelard

paranoiac bleeding hearts on a march complaining of tumor-inducing military
sonar.  cheers come in waves.  but they behave like particulate matter.  the
composite comprising the simple.  vibrancy can now be traced and documented
as the object it has traditionally pretended against.  an imperative so
qualified it sounds like something you'd do.  and was a descriptive clause
in any event.  stand stock still.  no one watches.

dear constituent:  I am an impostor.  make your point and sleep on it.
hallucinating melancholy or an irradicable habit.  all that and then this.
to hear to whom tell it.  wildly groping for confinement until again able to
crave.  wilely grouping in refinement until again able to crave.  like the
elongated shoreline once the flooding subsides.  twigs and spittle.  sense
of burgeoning radius.

I also say a lot of things I don't believe.  such as such.  like the
elongated particulate.  since what we need is a song.  I also say a lot of
things I don't like to have said.  the elongated song is a need since what.
believe as such.  a lot of things like the things I don't believe.  are
there regardless.

say something mystery light and heavy-handed.  to be puzzling substantive
syllabic lo-to-those restitution.  but if they leave together.

dear impostor:  behave

(((((((((The Alterran Poetry Assemblage))))))))) 
