Christina Thompson


intercellular structure 
& exertion

replaces biography 

in egg tempera 
on template (as messenger)

The shrill voice-over, 
verse slurred   white plumbagos

chance effects 
Attirement of the Bride*

visibly shattered
necrosis   necrosis
violent attempts to organize

to form attachments 
to limb & 
a sombre 
Palazzo Vecchio**

               BELL TOWER

               Left and below the bell tower at Piazza Navona, far

               away from the "irredeemable sense of guilt" that any

               have prevailed under such illusions, traces of cider light

               and day at last can form the culture of our indefatigable

               obstinence once taken for survival. Depends upon

               an equilibrium between belief and what was to withhold

               the lime-light reflects in the orb over head and lune

               so faded, the bells from that space no longer charmed.

               Your pestilence, or was it resilience, not so sure

               amber lit the way, but retread overall maybe the same

               secure voices never peak decibels conformed restraint.

               On the surface the limb can no longer react without

               impulse unless molecular memory can remove the need for

               confirmation, unless the impenetrable design is shattered.

               Not shattered entirely disrupting ill-reputable safety zones, in

               which is slurred into cacophony & silence. Not entirely without

               submission. Wanting to remain intact and conserve a sombre

               view of stillness. Allude to more abstract concerns. Embellish

               elongated shapes of the human body, subdued movement or

               sequence underneath bellows, you - elusive in three piece suit

               on terrace parapets and espresso. Tentative planar inscription

               formal & fully committed. The shallow curve of sun and hesitation

               omits, contemplate contour & cerulean bay from Castel dell'Ovo

               is indirect pursuit. To the rear one sees a lean figure with ambiguous

               outlines how transitions are interpreted as suggested modes of being.

               Blue crescent glow behold ornate gardens, mild temperament

               cultivates a submissive view to street sublime risk

               confronted with delineation ought to forbid, to bask in

               light immediate events.

* In "La Toilette de la Mariee", Oil on canvas, 51x37 7/8" (129.6x96.3 cm) 
(rubbings of wood, pressed flowers, relief surfaces) 
he has - 
obtained fascinated shaped & textured. 
Solicited & exploited 
chance effects

** a term denoting any large urban house, 
behind walls which 
protect from the wrath of 
crowds & tower of civic pride 
as lookout against

(((((((((The Alterran Poetry Assemblage)))))))))
