Drew Gardner


ligare, a ceramic bowl, itself and what it holds 
this harsh of earth we move along in proportion 
to its difficulty, resistance either is 
or has to make, a staying mark away 
who we love, to dismember its one flowing 
by which a name is fault because 
we wilt and what is that, to experience 
a purity, flowers, what shelter differences 
a difference of mystery persists 
or do we protect it into syzygy? 
a bee hovers at the edge of the house

consequence of meaning, not of image 
or power, mora, pulsation in the gamut of 
attenuations, law does not hold it 
total uncertainty, which, within its lake 
is as impossible as measurement is, changes 
over as opposition does to antithesis, a view 
within a pause, to put her husband back together

intellect is included in intuition, intuition 
in experience, but confused 
with the sustaining of lies, a selective misunderstanding 
of decay and of the singular, I had better 
start building my house in my head, clarity 
technologies, but what are its consequences?

the vanished contrary judgments, the sun 
can be blocked by a building or the moon, 
or by a person, but not its permutations 
except by the earth in its duration, greater 
in the loss of color in this drying leaf 
fragments of a spectrum thrown farther 
and farther into the house

(((((((((The Alterran Poetry Assemblage )))))))))
