Adeena Karasick 


Breached in the folds of

            coptic qua.
    heft sediment wrenched in

a récit precis 
of fabricated proclivity licks 
or a condiment ditty slit

                her wet secreta wall-newt water
                sallets, swallow specters
                scourged by a sequent axiom
                eked out of fen-sucked fogs slop-foppery

And she was grinding her constitutive contaminants 
in a nuance errance

A contrapuntal merge urgency

and brims with hiatus smut splurged 
in the dyssemetry of desire 
in the langour of

a lagubrious ruse 
or a sluice with a fuse

                       'cause she got

a sacrificial scission schizm 
where flagrant vagrant plague angling hangs

Like a suspended pudenda 
whose syllipsis 
insinuant, prospicuous.

A recidivist with a twist.

And her syntagm smiles

in iterable determinants, torrents 
entropic exigencies 'cause acumen 
sagacity or accuracy grasp 

in snack bracket cracks 
of grammatical slack.

In the interstices as 
spurn squall 

          swill pilea slip ripples 
signs in staggered absences abrasion and 

          in casque cramp
                 scams serum scud comes
                        in sucked out surfaces
                               as simplement implements

in lisps and distances 
as shiftless slips 
swing sequences

          And slinks in caviat squirm swill slough

   as necessity silences
          her absence, a border
                 trussed in the echo of

flexion flummoxed in

                      flagon agon gone,
           as a forago ergo ipso else aeons, come

                 like an inclusive exclusion
               emissed in dissolution, adorned

                in an anomian home, homiletic
                     eidetic, echoed in

what's elle iterate, cliterate 
stretched in the cinder of 
criteria hysteria smears.


Trammeled inseams excess 
of an aggregative grammar, a 
liturgical splurge 
or a forgery orgy

Like a parasang gang 
or an oratorio rotary story

gently inter alea,

                  in rank array. so, slay
                  me. / down. / in laggard scars
                  as secrecy

In a silhouette bet. 
In the blazoned distances.

when her posit sprung 
cut broad trodden fronts

               in a cognescendi blend ending. a

                       requiem equium

            lurk spur skid brims in prim slimmery.

So, formulae me down now in a squalid swell of surplus punctuates

         And i will speak coaxingly
     as sa(l)vage intent torrents crops
 yr axillae cries in spirals of remembrance 
resemblance, imbalance, abandoned in descant
          scansion flat tint tropes
       torn. as anagram magma spreads
      into my interior is grieving i sd

So get with the programme

crammed in cadre tourniquet bouquet 
a beaucoup de grâce grafts 
backed on the brink of keening 
cream her virtuosi see 
a scholium only / that spumes me

In the violent rhetoric of vertiginous exigencies 
In the unbearable distance of 
abject vertigo woe, scoff hewn depot flaws

                       in the simulacra of seduction or

asterisk risk suction seulement surfaces in 
re-sil(i)ent swill iliac de siècle succours

in the ethics of yr exida caresses 
when excised agon so langue. // In the hinged limit of 
fission schizm. In the 
sweet darkness of stun gush garnish, 
succulent truculence 
swaddles in radii, i 
or a logoi ploy //

                    insignia cendres signal
                          cinis signs
                  as cenere solace cinders in

insinuant signeury ignis 
salus in sanguine sluice 
cum alius, waste serrates 
in raiment maims 
and greatly.

(((((((((The Alterran Poetry Assemblage )))))))))
