John Nòto


Inside the reign of night there lives a woman whose face
is a blacklist of names appended radially to prowling
An acid-wash of impassioned gazes written on the
smooth muscle of subways,
Twisting desire through wormholes in the structure of
catwalks from which nested electrical birds swing my
soul by inverting its photo-attraction.

A series of celestial operations pull down shrouds of
vital tissue weeping stars along the fulcrum.
A spinal dream-milk columns over fields saturated with
black mushroom-clouds producing a music of restless
They glow with a fragrance from the tear-ducts threaded
through musical clefs in subcutaneous wailing,
Escaped from my cradle of bedsprings rocking the deep

Up the alley of downtime burning
The armature embracing my core frames a storm-driven
viewscreen bristling with somatic armor against death.
Then dawn is a brink of distant thunder arising in
conscious auras beyond the mega-city,
Moonstone on-line.
Sharp horizons captured in time-lapse brush aluminum
vents glinting from within cells of the fictive
connotations of sunlight.

I open my eyes and flood the hollows of internal combs
with a cyclone of atmospheres imposed by machine-
language accelerating through comet-tail genetics.
My ears are lashed with subliminal regret and the cries
of unsettled continents as blue fades in.

Over eons from dark to light, the heart has sought her
comfort zone;
Over every waking hour of shutdown through the X-
band static encryption
A woman lost in red-petaled voice, in the red ink of
morning, commits.

Inside my jaw her blinds retract prismatic lust to veins
distending behind the retina,
Folding the world into plastiform houses smoked silver
with abstinence.
The dark engorged with brilliance skews the loop.
I always squint when I sleep.


The dam breaks and phosphorescent swans burst
       through a
cool, exploding hillside;
floating-sun kaleidoscopes ravel and burn,
scattering their ashes on autumnal trees as foliage,
tuneful in decay.

My mind is burning from cognizance to involution
and in reverie becomes a flaming shell
released from all spin-control exterior to the core,
my faultless love spiraling inward by light
admitted through pinholes
turning behind dark speckles of mineral toward
       the seahorse womb,
she, secret lizard of the sea,
whose enamelled skull has vulcanized dimension
and sprouted colored stones foregrounding tide pools
suddenly subsumed in glowworm vibrations
accordioned in a mist of unchecked night-terror and
a vertigo of steep forest floors rising obliquely from
in helical down-drafts,
a web of soft-fire emerald pinions.

A super-lucid vision injected by beak-syringe
engages my fall:
the world is an archangel peacock's perch,
where Big Sur convolves with Egypt
underwater in the plane of the ecliptic,
animated by snails and starfish, reeking,
a seaweed arbor delirium entwined within an indigo
of pyramidal dune archaeologies,
arcane medicinal pictograms
and revolving-planet word spells,
a mage-spore floating unfleshed on the song of
compacting saturnine comet-nuclei, long-dormant,
a centrifugal iris-grain volition, stirring.


A guttural hum suspends the night's dome,
a turbine rotating on an axis presumed from the
sun's abdomen
as it shudders overwhelmed with stars and planets,
the undefined fractals of the cosmic iris,
risen, multiplying, lustrous.

Of "splendor in the grass," of blades, this engram:
Lying back naked to the wizened moon,
scored and wreathed before rain against barbarous
I hail the sky reeling in opacity,
an unsayable thrum bathing thorn-clusters and acorns,
and the waves whisper low octaves spun from giant
this clutch of earth cast before swaths of fertile
dark nebulae,
whirling murmurs of gestation at my ears.

The tall weeds vibrate in passage
and my lungs are a finger-branching,
a circular wind pared down behind walls of infinitely
folding cells,
nipples breathing in the vigor of cool pine
braided through the willows and wands,
summed and wound bipolar to the spine;
And through hands clasped behind my neck,
my fused skull becomes a base plate
for the ascending alchemy of jet horizons —
the firmament is an opal-studded turban,
a shrouded headland breeding fire.


This flood of passion is a river overflowing through your
ribs into the valley of soft, complex machines that make
me tick; it is a draconic smoke forced up the flutes of
stand-pipes at high-pressure, a stuck horn bursting out
eardrums, a blowup of your face in torched paper, a
swollen mango thrown, cracking ivory cups dispersing
paint and powder.

Like a whispered marionette, you hang by sinews
laconically from my optic chasm, a reservoir of muted
incantations cut open to run splinters through your nape
with rough hands scraping at gauze used to cover the
scars no daddy could wash clean.

You were soft-selected, made animate and coated with
milkglass and hardening pearl. Daddy is a wax figure,
the ideal on the viewscreen. You snake in his lap like a
belly but with more precision. He turns your aspiring
words over in their graves, you with the wandering eyes
and lips, the ones that startle me in bondage through the
blinds before dawn.

Fill in the gaps in my pain and arrive at the same
destination: to squander the roots of things at your
breast, lost in an underworld savaged by revisions of the
past where it seems to matter what kind of symbol I am,
and you are all fruit and squirm.

I'm starting toward the window in gasps and, looking
down, I see the street full of light already caking on
asphalt. I prefer the dark walls of a jazz club where your
father lives at the bar entertaining his own drool as we
exchange knives and flutes. Fits of ribbon close in on us
nightly, his chalk shell tied overhead to the frame of a
vandalized portrait of you made from baby sparrows'
tongues and crewel.

When you stopped calling me at midnight, quavered
in the low registers, I turned one palm outward to lock
fingers with your wake, echoed and stored in the voice-
mail, and I wheeled over on our knuckles slowly,
inscribed the name of a city we roved separately in the
stone of a small plot under patterns of light building into
walls, the skyline a printed circuit-board operating
twenty megavolt guitars, chord and discord on the wire
immolating reeds in your hair on a woodwind fretwork
times three.

((((((((( The Alterran Poetry Assemblage )))))))))
