Allen Fisher

from Gravity as a consequence of shape:


Calcium waves carry understanding we call cerebral
time mobilised messengers crunched through chaos functions
mediated by diffusible transport and
gases characteristic of caged sugar
released in flash photolysis and jammed
on a used a spread-sheet-based program
for alignment of overlaps excited
vessels sweetened, shuddered sequences

The meteor shower arrives over the lake
before daybreak before the lightnings
We landed on the sugar around two
without knowledge of Dow Jones or community
without predictions
There were honey muffins with Cabot cheese
north of the Gulf stream

Sugar moved to more than 187,000
global convergences echoed
opportunities in a Eurozone
Too late to join the Investor Relation Conference

I take out my pollution handbook
to confirm the GS Trap, purification columns
aligned to marketing pages
innate and adaptive arcs of arms of immune response
tightly controlled by cytokines
orchestrate success with pathogenic events
optimised by floor and rapid visualisation

In the land of the free
the right to execute juveniles
encourage the spread of restraints
shackles, designer chair, hog-tied
It feels like, we're some sort of
vending machine for haunted

You leave home, travel,
go nuts and then the moment
where you've hunted enough
and you could sit down

Music comes from the body
Spiritual life in physical form
a wondrous rigour over a mirror
scratched an ashtray screech.
Eight fishing ducks pass by
young common mergansers
red cardinals exchange the
contents of a letter
a satisfy commits yearning
Jambaleya and paella
Small Whorled Pogania
beaver dams, large
snapping turtles in toffee and fudge
shorefront parcels wither New Hampshire
conservation casements
All the trails are signed and blazed
No Tree Stands of Any Kind
Permitted, "It's no go John, it's no go
I'm shackled, I'm in a chain gang."

I could talk snare drum sounds for hours
It's a surrender to nature.  A plan
where everything falls in situ
The battle is with exhaustion
walked into a shelf of books
Accent indicates the
of fatigue

An instrument to measure gravity's
subtle effects will unearth
The Sugar Cubes perform in Iceland
you comb brush put on
coat and open to meet others
admiration for proof
of the sublime
How looking forward and squinting at score
is an important part of the performance
Some unseen voice
they need to hurry
sandbagging a back wall
against the front wall wave shift

The amount of jagged dark line
which then will mark the limits
of squares will be the exact
measure of your unskilfulness
I held a glass in one hand and a
bottle in the other and then concentrated
on the bottle and don't remember the
glass which was still in my head
when I returned them both to a table
without insulation
he reappears out in the open
embodied embedded in his
intake of sugar inversely related
to his environmental obesity
a swept out world sheet
invariant at quantum level
de haut en bas
slow-timed conversations with the Lawyer
the sweet smell of bright Portland stone
trapped in the cryptogram-rebus
make believe in hidden meaning paradise withdrawn

A cat runs from the garden
in a descended fog and
a fox lifts to it
emerges lean and hungry
to sell imitation toys for drugs
you listen to your dogs is all
Story tells you the routes to take
site to site in loss adjusters

What you will find
when change is underway, humankind
fights to remain the same

a fascination senseless repetition
abstraction of a journey
a fossil murmur a triumph
forgetting our amnesia intoxication
I look out into successive perspectives
A different sun rises and falls each window
I turn, red earth, grey granite,
pine woods and cicadas
contrast motor boats
lift 68 degrees from lake sheen
a pest control mediated in noise
Any calm rapidly translates into dig
ital connection Substantial retreat acuities
burn memory a creative moment encourages lack

(((((((((The Alterran Poetry Assemblage ))))))))) 
