rob mclennan


for derek beaulieu

                                the body, gives
                                        : twinkle

                a star a


                                                oh baby

                        the cut
                                        : of jibness
                                in the act


                        tailor delays
                                                the free-fall

                        / hardest cut


                                                                        a tree-trunk


                                                                laden, heavy



                & takes away:

                                                a tear

                                blood work done to sort the cells

                        an imitation of pleasure
                        of text on his/her lover’s abdomen

                                                would we write this ?


                                                conscript the lines

                                                the draft, close the door
                                                                to incoming

                                                        against their own will

                to testify against the fact

                hard-ball is played

                                        a tether on a stick


                                                a limitless purse:

                        the day we entered, the two towers
                        of light

                                full-blossoming, & strange

                                                        a cut the artery


                        moreover & whatnot

                        a convict’s pleasure, hands

                                the soundtrack of a city

                                                : poems
                                                : band
                                                : musical

                                        is, where

                                                                he wanted to go


                                        the figure, full
                        an extension

                identifying marks

                                                a skin
                                                a bone

                                these things edify our selves

                        a cold brutality


                        pen is less sharp


                fatherless muse, bastard
                                eggs on the drive


                out the bay
                of windows


        things go



                                        on overdrive


                        slice the heart







                                                the noise of Bluebeard
                                                when you’re the one

                would that be, a

                                        chance at

                        in belonging,



                        not like anything left


                                                her medals in the glass case

                                                same weight as a cookbook


Interview with Meredith Quartermain
(conducted by e-mail from July 2003 to December 2004)

Meredith Quartermain’s books and chapbooks include Terms of Sale (Meow, 1996),
Spatial Relations (Diaeresis, 2001), Inland Passage (housepress, 2001), A Thousand
Mornings (Nomados, 2002), The Eye-Shift of Surface (greenboathouse books, 2003)
and Vancouver Walking (to be published by NeWest Press in spring 2005). With
Robin Blaser, she recently completed a series of poems, entitled Wanders (Nomados,
2002). A long poem Matter is forthcoming from Chax, and her collection of four
long poems “Highway 99” appeared as STANZAS #35 (above/ground press, 2003).
Her work has also appeared in Matrix, Canadian Literature, Prism International,
ecopoetics, Queen Street Quarterly, The Capilano Review, West Coast Line, Raddle
Moon, Chain, Sulfur, Jacket, and other magazines. She is co-editor with Jacqueline
Turner of The News at, and
founder, with husband Peter, of the small press Nomados.

rob mclennan: Your publishing over the years seems to have been furtive, almost
secretive; a broadsheet here, a chapbook there, almost as though you are
cultivating an absence. With the recent collaborative Wanders (with Robin Blaser),
and A Thousand Mornings, both published by your Nomados, you seem to be placing
yourself deliberately, à la jwcurry or Maxine Gadd, as someone whose work is
difficult to find unless you know the author. How deliberate is this?

Meredith Quartermain: It might be a good idea to clarify what my "publishing
over the years" has been. In 1996 Meow Press in Buffalo (buffalo meow, as
Lawrence Upton joked, introducing me in London) published my first chapbook of
poems, Terms of Sale. This book is still available through SPD as far as I know. In
1997, I started a long project which is still unfolding, called The Book of Words. In
1998, Keefer Street brought out 100 copies of the first section, Abstract Relations.
Then Diaeresis in Florida brought out the second section, Spatial Relations (2001 —
still available, by ordering on-line) and Chax is set to bring out the third section,
Matter. It is quite difficult in Canada (especially if you live far from Toronto or
Montreal) to publish writing that explores new formalities. I self-published Abstract
Relations and more recently A Thousand Mornings  — both are prose poems —
mainly because I simply did not know of any Canadian publisher who would take
such work. However, it is getting somewhat easier. housepress brought out Inland
Passage in 2001 and greenboathouse published The Eye-Shift of Surface in 2003.
And now above/ground is doing Highway 99. So I'm beginning to find Canadian

[ more . . . ]


((((((((( The Alterran Poetry Assemblage )))))))))