Feel free to print off "Love in the Art World".
Take a copy with you to an exhibition opening, or display it on your coffee table for your art world visitors.

Siobhan McTaggart appears ill-suited for her job as Field Inspector for Revenue Bath. On first impression, Inspector McTaggart is a baffled, badly dressed, profoundly miopic and very sweet woman. Despite these apparent deficiencies, Inspector McTaggart is extremely good at her job. She has weeded out more tax evaders and closed more tax loopholes than any of her predecessors. But what she has not told her superiors at Revenue Bath, and indeed has never told anyone, is that her success is due to one particular skill: Inspector McTaggart is telepathic.

When last we saw the Inspector, she was inspecting a painting at Galerie Garbo. All the while she was watching gallerist Gabby Garbo out of her mind's eye. She did not like what she saw.

"Enjoying the show Inspector?" Gabby had approached her silently but oddly, thought Gabby, did not startle the Inspector.

"Why yes, Ms. Garbo. But, honestly, how you are able to sell this kind of art, is a mystery to me. I mean, a 10 x 10 foot painting of a murderer would not appeal to many people I should think." The Inspector squinted innocently at Gabby.

"You would be surprised at my success... but then, I forget with whom I am speaking. Revenue Bath knows how successful I have been. And that is why you are here, is it not Inspector?"

"Not exactly, but I do have one little question, Ms. Garbo. It is about the estate of one Mr. Bradley Carlisle. It seems he was one of your artists up until last month. He did extremely well here for six months; made well over a million. Before he was murdered...." The Inspector paused but continued when a reaction was not forthcoming.

"My question is, Ms. Garbo, if you paid him, where is the money?"

"I'm sorry inspector, I paid him but I don't know what he did with it. I have a call to make. Excuse me." Gabby scuttled hastily back to her office and closed the door.

Inspector McTaggart had her answer. With a parting glance at the murderer, she left the gallery.

Gabby waited until the Inspector was good and gone before picking up the phone. She had matters more urgent than the Inspector's silly speculations. She dialed the number of the president of the Commercial Association of Dealers (CAD).

"Betty, it's me Gabby. To get back to it, an estate that has been purchased with money obtained fraudulently, any way you look at it, is an opportunity for others to profit. Liquidation of the estate means selling fast to pay creditors. And you can sell to me as easily, quickly and legally as anyone. If I get it at 50% of wholesale that's between you and I. This is a private deal.... no one needs to know, let alone the artists. Droit de suite, moi de sweet."

A knock was heard at Gabby's office door. Without waiting for a welcoming reply, Domenic di Maiolo stormed in. Domenic was as raw as they come: a face chiseled from stone and a heart as big as a prairie province.

Next week: From his Louis XV love seat in the cloakroom of the Great Hall at Bath University, Curator Colin Swain has Dr. Motech Yitrium Wozinski sweating into his lace handkerchief. Dr. Wozinski, Professor of 20th Century Art, is being honored with a swank reception for his book on Impressionism. However, Curator Swain has some questions about the professor's research!