Who is reading Art Business Magazine?

Every other month ABM reports on its readership.

May-June, 1996 Report
According to the CultureNet server log, over a two month period (May 1 - June 30/96) ABM was downloaded to 954 unique hosts. Because of browser and proxy server caching, these figures can be considered conservative. ABM received a total of 9492 accesses.

Detailed information on readers is obtained from three forms in the magazine: E-mail to the Editor; Art Biz Bits; and Art on the Internet Survey. At these three locations, the reader completes a brief form. 74 forms were completed in May and June:

visual artists 56% (42)
art businesspeople 18% (13)
cultural workers 14% (10)
other (engineer, publisher, ad exec) 11% (8)
unknown 1% (1)

Canadians 35% (26)
Americans 46% (34)
Outside Canada and U.S. 12% (9)
Unknown 7% (5)

A notable number of forms were completed by visitors from California, Arizona, British Columbia -- generally random access from all parts of North America without any pattern.