Who is reading Art Business Magazine?

Art Business Magazine
September-October, 1996 Readership Report


Magazine Readers
During the two month period (Sept. 1 - Oct. 31, 1996) ABM was accessed by 1,618 unique hosts, up 21% from August's report. ABM received a total of 24,224 accesses, up 29% from August. Because of browser and proxy server caching, these figures can be considered conservative.

Traffic from unique hosts has increased steadily: 687 (March/April); 954 (May/June); 1,312 (July/Aug.); 1,618 (Sept/Oct.).

Information on readers was obtained from two forms in the magazine: E-mail to the Editor; and Art Biz Bits. At these two locations, the reader completes a brief form. 86 forms were completed in September and October:

visual artists 55% (47)
art businesspeople 21% (18)
other (arts admin student, MBA student,
art "fan", accountant, financial planner,
software specialist) 9% (8)
cultural workers 6% (7)
unknown 4% (3)

Americans 51% (44)
Canadians 29% (25)
Outside Canada and U.S 17% (15)
Unknown 2% (2)