Art Museums and

Service Organisations

Date deposited:
April 8, 1996: Towards a Commercial Art Museum: an inevitable and healthful direction? by H.A. Fraser.
June 3, 1996: The Cultural Property Donation Program in Review. by Stephen P. Sweeting, Appraisal Associates, Toronto, Ont.
July 1, 1996: Quizzing the Ontario Arts Council. by H.A. Fraser.
September 8, 1996: An interview with the curator: the emotional issue of exhibition relevance in the art museum. Heather Fraser interviews Gregory Klages, freelance curator, Staff Writer for Id Magazine (Ontario) and Promotion Coordinator for the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, Guelph, Ontario.
November 18, 1996: New Valuation Approach Raises Hackles of Art Donors and Gallery Staff. by Stephen Sweeting, Partner, Appraisal Associates, Toronto.
November 24, 1996: By George! The Crank and the Case of the Amorphous Twaddle. by H.A. Fraser.
December 15, 1996: Curators roaming the streets in packs and the demise of the outpost Canadian art museum: an interview with Ihor Holubizky, Chief Curator, Art Gallery of Hamilton.
February 10, 1997: The Clore Gallery, London - shrine or supermarket? by David Whittaker, Communications Consultant, London.
June 14, 1997: Lessons from the Denney Collection. by Dr. Antony Anderson, UK.