
Date deposited:
February 12, 1996: Art Business Magazine : Commerce and Art. by H.A. Fraser.
March 25, 1996: The Visual Artist Today: more powerful than a locomotive? by H.A. Fraser.
June 10, 1996: Advertising is Art: soup cans, paintings of soup cans, reproductions of paintings of soup cans. by H.A. Fraser.
April 29, 1996: The Visual Artist at Odds with the Mass Market. by H.A. Fraser.
December 21, 1996: The Train-Man's Vision: art is important, useful and in no need of protection..... except from people like me. by H.A. Fraser.
March 24, 1997: Protection vs. Promotion of Canadian Cultural Industries. by H.A. Fraser.
April 9, 1997: London: swinging back to the centre of the art world. by David Whittaker.
April 28, 1997: Too far to the left? In the art world, it's better to be malevolent than corporate. by Tony Merino.
May 4, 1997: "The Capitalist Threat" and the Advent of Post-Modernism. by H.A. Fraser.
May 19, 1997: Taking a Look at the Big Economic Picture: a response from Bill Horne, President, CARFAC - B.C.
May 26, 1997: Canadian artists: a special nature compromised by subsidy. by Jack Moore, CA.
June 30, 1997: Today it's raining, so I'll take my Renoir umbrella.... The place of reproduced art in the social space. by Dr. Christine Rioux, Communications Consultant, Montreal.
July 7, 1997: Election time! Canadian party profiles and a window of opportunity for the visual arts. by Jack Moore, CA.
July 14, 1997: Feeling at home at the NAMTA's art materials convention and trade show. by H.A. Fraser, ABM Editor.
July 21, 1997: Confessions of the impolitic. by Tony Merino, ceramic artist, Texas.
August 11, 1997: Vote Culture! by David Whittaker, London.
August 18, 1997: Can Canada have a culture? by Jack Moore, CA.