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    Wanted: Magazines & Equipment

    I am looking for back issues of the following magazines: Mineralogical Record, Rocks & Minerals, Gems & Gemology, American Gemcutter, The Canadian Gemmologist, Lapidary Journal, Colored Stone, Rock & Gem, Gems and Minerals and The Canadian Rockhound. Will buy or trade.

    I am also looking for the following used equipment: rock trimmer, stereomicroscope, refractometer, UV lights (short wave and long wave) and a micro sandblaster.

    If you have any of these items, please contact me. I can be reached at:

    Doug Miller
    Tel: (306) 955-2350
    Fax: (306) 477-1727

    Posted: 99/10/19

    For Sale

    For Sale: Mineralogical Record Back Issues

    I have over 100 back issues of the Mineralogical Record beginning with Volume 3 and several issues of Rocks & Minerals for sale. All are in excellent condition. If you are looking to fill in some gaps in your collection, this is a great opportunity to do so. Please contact me with your want lists.

    Doug Miller
    Tel: (306) 955-2350

    Posted: 99/12/08

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