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Volume 7, Number 1

C A N A D A ' S   F R E E   O N L I N E   E A R T H   S C I E N C E   M A G A Z I N E

photo Geology of the Red Lake Mine, Ontario, Canada: the Richest Grade Gold Mine in the World
By Fuzail Siddiqui

The Red Lake mine, located in the northwest corner of Ontario, Canada, is the richest grade gold mine in the entire world. Current reserves grade over 2 ounces per ton - the highest in the world. To collectors, the mine is also known for producing aesthetic gold specimens of high quality.
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photo Outstanding Giant Quartz and Sphalerite from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec
By Daniel Comtois

Last August I went with my father to the Poudrette Quarry at Mont St-Hilaire. I wanted to find something new, but little did I know that I would dig up some of the largest and finest crystals of sceptre quartz, sphalerite and microcline ever discovered at the quarry. Here's my story...
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photo The Pine Point Mine
By Robert Carr, Mike Beauregard,
and Peter Hager

More than $2 billion worth of zinc and lead was recovered by Cominco Ltd. during this mine's 25-year lifespan. Today, there is not one sign nor marker posted along the highway that passes by this now-abandoned mine. In the summer of 2002, a few collectors from Yellowknife made the long journey down to Pine Point and found excellent specimens of calcite, dolomite, galena and various other minerals.
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photo Amber: The Dominican Republic's Gem which Inspired Jurassic Park
By Habeeb Salloum

During my numerous trips to Puerto Plata, the Dominican Republic's main tourist resort, I have been always been intrigued by the great variety of amber products offered to visitors in the countless tourist shops. A true Western Hemisphere resin, this New World amber is very attractive and found in colours from crystal clear, blue, green, beige-yellow, black-golden to purple – to gem experts, a colour unmatched even by sapphire.
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In this issue

Geology of the Red Lake Mine, Ontario, Canada: the Richest Grade Gold Mine in the World
By Fuzail Siddiqui

Outstanding Giant Quartz and Sphalerite from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec
By Daniel Comtois

The Pine Point Mine
By Robert Carr, Mike Beauregard, and Peter Hager

Amber: The Dominican Republic's Gem which Inspired Jurassic Park
By Habeeb Salloum

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    Masthead Cover Photo Credits:

    The issue masthead banner above shows Roland Comtois holding up one of the giant sphalerite specimens discovered at Mont St-Hilaire in 2002 (photo by Daniel Comtois). On the right is a specimen from Pine Point, NWT, with sphalerite nodules (photo by Robert Carr).

  • Copyright © 2003 Canadian Rockhound
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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