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Secrets of a Freelance Writer
Secrets of a Freelance Writer:
How to Make $85,000 a Year by

Robert W. Bly
Henry Holt
266 pages, 1997
ISBN 0805047603
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

Anyone who's starting out in freelancing would be happy to earn half that. Does it work? I suspect it would if you follow this guide closely.

Secrets of a Freelance Writer begins by identifying what Bob Bly calls "high profit writing" which is a vivid contrast to the "starving artist" mentality that plagues many writers. His definition has little to do with short stories and non-fiction articles for gardening magazines. It deals instead with writing corporate ad copy, advertisements, annual reports, direct mail packages, catalog text, user manuals, etc. Not what most writers would define as "pleasure" writing. The pleasure, Bly states, comes from cashing the paychecks that accompany those jobs. He's right.

For the person just getting started, this is an excellent resource. It details how to set up an office, what promotional material one needs, gives examples of sales and introductory letters, along with Bly's permission to alter them and use them. He discusses what types of businesses are best to contact, and how to make those contacts. He suggests a time frame for follow up and how to get started even when you have no relevant background.

A whole chapter outlines how to set fees, how to prepare cost estimates, and how to get a client to agree to your price. Advertising methods to create interest in your work are discussed, public relations and promotion, and client service. With twenty years of experience in the administrative field, I know that following many of these suggestions will put a copywriter a step ahead of the norm.

The book concludes by addressing common problems in freelance writing and suggests strategies to overcome them. Bly discusses different ways to incorporate this form of self-employment into a pleasing lifestyle for each individual. An extensive appendix is included, filled with samples, resources and a suggested fee schedule.

Secrets of a Freelance Writer is a reference manual to be studied closely. With only 266 pages, the book itself is an excellent example of clear, concise writing. Middle writers with some experience can fine-tune their weak areas. Beginning writers get a specific, step by step plan for success. A must for anyone serious about a full-time freelance writing career.

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