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TDR Letter

Subject: Michael Bryson's "Mea Culpa: I review books"

December 9, 2003

Dear Editor, 

Thank you for Michael Bryson's "Mea Culpa: I review books". He said what needs to be posted above every reviewer's keyboard, namely: "If you are a book reviewer, you have a duty to have an opinion, and you have a duty to present that opinion as honestly, as completely, and backed up with as much evidence and argument as you can muster."

Silence accomplishes nothing. Perhaps if reviewers were braver in their comments, and provoked more discussion as a result, more space would be given over to reviews by the media.

Susan Ioannou


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The Danforth Review is produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. All content is copyright of its creator and cannot be copied, printed, or downloaded without the consent of its creator. The Danforth Review is edited by Michael Bryson. Poetry Editor is Geoff Cook. Reviews Editors are Anthony Metivier (fiction) and Erin Gouthro (poetry). TDR alumni officio: K.I. Press and Shane Neilson. All views expressed are those of the writer only. International submissions are encouraged. The Danforth Review is archived in the National Library of Canada. ISSN 1494-6114. 

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We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts. Nous remercions de son soutien le Conseil des Arts du Canada.