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TDR Interview: Leaf Press

Leaf Press is an independent poetry publisher publishing poetry chapbooks. TDR talked to Ursula Vaira, publisher. The press's website features an archive of Monday’s Poems and ordering information for the chapbooks.

(February 2006)


TDR: how are your chapbooks distributed?

The books are distributed from my office here.  Libraries, bookstores, and individuals order directly from me, by snail mail or by e-mail and Paypal.

TDR: What are some of the key features of your website?

The site features each book on its own page.  We also publish a regular feature called "Monday's Poem" which calls for submissions from all over the planet. 

TDR: How many submissions do you get usually?

We receive approximately 25 chapbook submissions for every one we publish.  Approximately 25 Monday's Poems for each one we publish. It does get a bit out of hand.

TDR: Who is involved in evaluating them?

I read and evaluate everything. I also have an organic "board" which supports me when I am unsure.

TDR: Do you think the web is a good way of getting poets in touch with one another? do you see the web as a good thing for publishing poetry?

I think the web is a great way of poets getting in touch with one another.  There is no way I could have attracted the calibre of poets who send me stuff without the "net" working that resulted from my website. Yes, I do see the web as a good thing for publishing poetry. Definitely. How can it be a bad thing for a poet to be read?  (My "Monday's Poem" is read by about 130 people a day.) I don't think many poets are being paid ... that is a negative, but I like to think that it all leads to credibility, a following, publishing, sales. Within my own little publishing house I have seen poets through from Monday's Poem to chapbooks to those chapbooks being included in a books published by major Canadian publishers.


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