by Peter Darbyshire
Raincoast, 2002
A Day Does Not Go By
by Sean Johnston
Nightwood, 2002
Bonneville Stories
by Mark Doyon
Pocol Press, 2001
Reviewed by Michael Bryson
an interview with Peter Darbyshire
an interview with Sean Johnston
Three books of short stories by young men, largely
about young men. Yes, there's swearing. Yes, there's sex. Yes, there's
whining about the state of the world. Women figure in these narratives,
too. Ex-wives, girlfriends, mothers, muses. But in these stories
phallogocentrism rules. To take the pulse of the 21st century man, read
Raincoast, Peter Darbyshire's publisher, is using a
quotation from a TDR review to help
promote Please.
Springsteen sang, "There's a darkness on the
edge of town." Darbyshire's characters live in that darkness,
infected by the absurdities of the contemporary sit-com.
I wrote that, and even though the story I wrote that
about isn't included in Please, it rings true of the collection
as a whole.
Please is tagged as "a novel" on its
cover, but it's not a novel. [Though
here's Peter Darbyshire's compelling case that it is...] Please
is a series of linked short stories about
a recently divorced young man in Toronto. The stories go back and forth
through time to fill the readers in on the details of the ex-wife, the
marriage, the marriage breakdown, the aftermath, and the moving on.
Except there isn't much moving on. I thought that was a bit of a
problem: the narrator remains more-or-less static. [The
author, however, disagrees with that assessment...] I wouldn't
overstress that complaint, mostly because Darbyshire writes short stories by
Eddie Van Halen plays guitar: full out. His sentences are packed with
power chords and lightning riffs. Please contains some of the
best sentence by sentence writing I've read in a good long while.
The stories are powerful, compelling, and funny, though each tends to
turn on the narrator-as-victim. Next to the narrator, the ex-wife is the
most compassionate character in this collection. Everyone else the
narrator meets screws him over, fucks him up, acts either irresponsibly
or absurdly. The prevalence of insanity made me suspect we are dealing
with an unreliable narrator here, and a narcissistic one to boot. For
example, the narrator has a number of encounters with law enforcement
and health care authorities, the officers of "the system" fail
to live up to their calling. In one story, the narrator takes an
unconscious woman to the emergency room of a hospital, only to be told
to take her home because the doctors - without fully examining the woman
- believe she has had too much to drink. The doctor tells him:
Well, she'll probably be all right.... She just
needs to sleep it off. Now let's have a look at that lip and we can
get you two on your way.
I found this wildly improbable, given the litigation
fears of health professionals. However, time and again, Please
emphasizes how unreliable the so-called helpers are. In another story,
the narrator dials 9-1-1 to help an unconscious homeless man passed out
on the sidewalk. An ambulance comes and the attendants leave the man on
the sidewalk after finding he's mildly awake.
Let me emphasize, however, that these complaints are
quibbles. Please creates a fictional world, and all elements
within it are consistent. Darbyshire's sense of satire is sharp (think
Martin Amis' Dead Babies, only the misanthropy isn't so severe); the book is what it is: an
indictment of urban cruelty in its wide and pervasive forms. Earlier, I
argued that Will Ferguson's satire in Happiness
held a weak torch to Mordecai Richler's GG winner, Cocksure.
Darbyshire, however, has shown he's more willing than Ferguson to go
where the satirists go: deep into the mud.
In A Day Does Not Go By, Sean Johnston presents
a variety of compelling micro worlds. In a
recent interview with TDR, Johnston talks about his relationship
with like-minded writers, particularly minimalists like Raymond Carver:
I love the idea of minimalism in that, as a reader,
I’ve got no desire to read another description of an idyllic scene
or a horrible disaster. I have my own ideas of those things, as any
reader does, and the written word cannot measure up. So my idea is to
just do enough to trigger a response in the reader, and let [the
reader's] unconscious do the work.
Like Darbyshire, Johnston blends realism in his
stories with the absurd. One story, for example, features a door-to-door
spider salesman: possibly literature's first! Johnston is particularly
fine at presenting relatively stock situations - relationship breakdown,
for example - from angles slightly askew, riveting the familiar with
something new and original. Actually, the same could be said of
Darbyshire, though the new in Please tends to come from
Darbyshire's ability to create heightened drama, and the new in A Day
Does Not Go By is more understated.
Mark Doyon's Bonneville Stories is an updated
version of Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio. Published by
Pocol Press in Virginia, USA, Bonneville Stories tells the tales
of a small American town and its rustic characters. Compared to Please
and A Day Does Not Go By, Doyon's stories seem to come out of
another century, and it isn't the one we so recently departed. They're
cutesy. They're folkloric. They're probably an antidote to the dark tone
that is more dominant in the other two books under consideration here.
If that's what you think you need.
Michael Bryson is the publisher/editor
of The Danforth Review.