Taking Shape
by Edward Carson
The Porcupine’s Quill, 2008
Made Beautiful by Use
by Sean Horlor
Signature Editions, 2007
Reviewed by Joanna M. Weston
Love, as shaped by the wind and the
movement of the earth, is the theme of Carson’s poetry in this book.
He explores the nature of love and its manifestations, both personal and
general, through metaphor and experience. He does it thoughtfully,
philosophically, and with extraordinary delicacy of language.
He understands that, with love,
…. There is much
more to learn, and more than we know to
leave behind,
but knowing very little, we urge on
this new thought
of the gathering wind and the shape of
it all around us.
What is known is never enough,
therefore it is left behind in order to pursue new thoughts of love
which, like the wind, is only visible by what it touches. The wind as a
metaphor for love is prevalent in these couplets, how it takes ‘its
shape from all it greets …// a makeshift voice …’ (p.9)
Carson gives no simple answer to the
shape or essence of love, rather suggests that there is
… only the faint
shape of things taking shape, the
simple proof of slow
continents reaching out to meet
another, touching for the first time.
… This time
around we will break away from one
shape, only to find another.
The gradual recognition of love between
two people is revealed as a shift of land-masses, the geology of
relationships that move in an eternal dance, ‘a shifting// of thought.’
(p.13) Unlike Shakespeare who, in his 116th sonnet, says that
‘Love alters not with [Time’s] brief hours and weeks’, Carson says
.. the speed of that transformation is
fast, yet so slow, that the thing that
it is
and the thing it becomes, begin and end
The trick is to be so still that no one
knows we’re moving.
Time is relative, love moving with
lightning speed and yet with a gradual coming together.
Carson’s vocabulary is simple but
precise, leading the reader to ponder deeply of the nature of love for
themselves. In ‘The more real// our love seems, the more misleading it
must be.’ (p.13) he states the paradox of the relationship of love,
that it is real to the lover, yet it often leads to false consclusions,
to seeing the world through the clichéd rose-coloured glasses.
He understands the quixocity of love,
that it is ‘a geometry of thinking and doing’ (p.27), that thinking
of the beloved is to respond to the beloved. He goes on to say ‘My
winter comes out of me and brims to the full,// leans over to give you a
kiss whole square and deep.’ (p.27), i.e. that his inner coldness
erupts, overflows, and bestows the warmth of spring through love.
The endless paradoxes of love are the
subject of these poems, the slow growth, swift passion, the known
response, unknown dimension:
… Some things are made to be
something opposite and true, made to be
one thing after another,
again and again, some love that is now,
and some that is not.
Fortunately, Carson does not seek for a
final answer but leaves the reader
with knowledge shared and insights
gained, ‘We learn to be the sum and minus of this story,// the
uncertain edge in the shape of things to come.’ (p.45) We learn as two
lovers to be the total, and as individuals to be less than a couple,
with the future unknown.
*Taking Shape* is poetry to be
treasured, savoured, read, and re-read, a gift to the lover and the
Made Beautiful by Use
by Sean Horlor
Signature Editions, 2007
Horlor’s spirituality is gritty and
hard-edged, being of the city rather than of the angels-and-heavens
variety. The poems as a whole are thoughtful and with interesting
insights into the human condition, tying street and drug culture to
spirituality with ease.
Horlor, according to the backcover
blurb, asks if "it Is possible for anyone to be conscious,
compassionate, and ethical in a twenty-first century world?" In the
first section, ‘Empty container’, Horlor writes poems of praise:
praise of beauty, solitutde, what is found again, verse, listening, and
letting go. It is in the last two that the question of consciousness is
most clearly addressed:
Trampling, plush with intent,
it’s my voice pounding at the door.
What did you just hear
unfurling in your ear’s delicate
A whistle. A knock.
The unanswered door.
There are moments the human body
amplifies absolutely.
In Praise of Listening p.18
There are consonants, sibilants, and
understated alliteration, as with the m’s in the last couplet, to
bring attention to everyday sounds. It is a poem to be read aloud to
bring into awareness the sense of hearing.
With ‘In Praise of Letting Go’,
Horlor takes an empty container and suggests filling it with ‘an angle
of volcanic rock/ where decades of tree growth wash up as they are:
roots intact …
Let us choose carefully then, the
general view
and what it means to us, our own
collusive scenery: a homestead,
until night leafs into place above
a field with two floodlights and
along the horizon, the red feather
of a radio antenna flashing against
grey cloud.
He moves from the solidity of earth,
the antiquity of natural surroundings, to the empheral flashing light of
the antenna, bringing awareness of the transitory nature of radio
There is warmth and beauty in images
such as ‘The morning, the sky/ came down to lie against the earth.’
(p.33) Here compassion and love combine with the vision of a cloud
resting in a valley on a cold morning, while the couplet that follows
challenges and contradicts, ‘Yesterday, a small bird flew in/ to the
window and broke its neck.’ (p.33) The line break gives pause and an
expectation of beauty, instead the reader is jolted with the death of
the bird. Faith in goodness becomes rather a question than an
expectation. In ‘Love, or What should you believe in?’ Horlor says
This word would be easier if
I could just say heart
before moving on to the short journey
fingers make
between the buttons of a clean shirt
then fold the heart over until all
that remains is its semblance across
this page.
A blueprint. An ink blot. Something
to interpret under another’s care:
There is no wrong answer.
What faith. What terror.
If love was only to touch the physical
heart it would be easy. But because it has to be interpreted as is a
Rorschach test, all answers are correct, and it is terrifying to realize
that whatever one says in a given context is right in a world where
there are no absolutes and innumerable shades of grey.
In ‘Talking to Other Canadians About
Canada’ (p.50), Horlor says that ‘Sometimes the most important tasks
of love/ are done by everyone.’ He acknowledges that love has as many
faces and answers as the actions that reveal it.
The divisions of the book are brief and
definite: The Empty Container’ which deals with beauty etc.; St.
Brendan the Navigator; The Seven Heavenly Virtues; St. George the Dragon
Slayer; and Hagiographies. It is the only the satirical section in which
George W. Bush is cast as St. George, which appears to stray in tone
from the rest of the book.
His language, however, flows like silk
over the hands: it is smooth, evocative, and richly patterned. There is
need to pull a thread, pick a word, and follow the pattern to its
conclusion, to verify the design of his work. The connections and
insights are contemporary and of spiritual depth. Any later book will
surely be worthy of note.
Joanna M. Weston A
SUMMER FATHER - poetry - Frontenac House 2006 ISBN: 1-89718105-1 $15.95
THOSE BLUE SHOES for ages 7-12 |