
National Council on Problem Gambling
14th Conference on Problem Gambling
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
October 6-8, 2000
- Early bird registration deadline: August 31
- Registration deadline: September 29
- Rates same as last year.
- International attendees receive 25% discount
- Full (3 day) fees:
- NCPG member $395
- Non-member $449
- Student $175
- Presenters $295
- 1 day registration also available
Over 100 presenters on topics ranging from spirituality to special populations,
interventions to Internet gambling.
for registration and additional info.
Call for Research Project Applications for Ontario, Canada
notices offer details on a recent request for research applications by
the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre. There are two documents;
the first describes the call for applications, and the second details
the requirements for the initial Letter of Intent including its August
18, 2000 deadline. Please note that only Canadian residents can apply,
and they must conduct the research in Ontario and focus on Ontario residents.
Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre
Research Awards Solicitation
mission of the newly created Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre
(the Centre) is to enhance understanding of problem gambling, and strengthen
treatment and prevention practices through research. The main goal of
the Centre is to support the development of high quality research projects
that examine various facets of problem gambling.
achieve this goal, the Centre is requesting applications from researchers
interested in conducting problem gambling research in Ontario. These submissions
will be adjudicated, and successful applicants will be invited to submit
full research plans in stage two.
Description of Research Projects
general, the Centre will fund applied research projects that advance knowledge
relative to the treatment and prevention of problem gambling. These projects
may include:
- Research that advances the basic understanding of gambling behaviour
in general, and problem gambling behaviour in particular.
- The development and testing of specific prevention and/or treatment
programs, and piloting such programs for special population groups.
- Treatment programs that focus on new models and methods of improving
existing approaches, with comparisons of such methods to existing treatment
Explorations of the gambling recovery process with and without formal
Development and testing of models of service, gambling behaviours,
or new ways of conceptualizing gambling and problem gambling behaviours.
that will not be funded include the social/economic impact of gambling,
attitude surveys, needs assessments, and literature reviews. Research
projects that involve community collaboration and partnerships will be
given priority.
Awards Amount
research awards will be available to a maximum of $175,000 per project.
be eligible for support, the applicant must be legally residing in Canada.
Researchers throughout Canada are eligible to apply, but work must be
conducted within Ontario communities and focus on Ontario residents. Collaboration
with Ontario organizations/ researchers is preferred.
Application Deadline
deadline for receiving Letters of Intent is August 18, 2000. Invitations
to submit a complete research plan will be made on or about August 31,
Application guides may be requested from:
The Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre
304 Stone Road West, Suite 403
Guelph ON, N1G 4W4
Telephone: (519) 763-8049
Toll Free: (877) 882-2204
Fax: (519) 827-9196
E-mail: opgrc@home.com
NOTE: The Centre reserves the right to modify or discontinue the awards
process at its sole discretion.
Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre
Guidelines for Letters of Intent
July 12, 2000 the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre (the Centre)
issued a research awards solicitation for projects to be initiated in
the 2000-01 operating year. Researchers who wish to apply for funding
are asked to submit a Letter of Intent that complies with the following
Cover Page
The cover page should include:
The title of the research project
The name of the Principal Investigator, and (if different) the project
Contact Person. Include each persons institutional affiliation,
title, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address
- The names, addresses, affiliations, and titles of collaborators or
other members of the project team
- Indication of the status (e.g. not for profit, hospital, university)
of the institutional affiliation
- Signature of the Principal Investigator and (if different) the project
Contact Person.
Second and Subsequent Pages
- Describe the specific aims of the project and what you hope to accomplish
- Awards amount: one-year research awards will be available to a maximum
of $175,000 for direct project costs. In addition, up to 20% of direct
costs will be available to cover associated indirect costs (e.g. ethics
review, legal costs, computer services, library services, etc.)
Due Date: the deadline for receiving Letters of Intent is Friday,
August 18, 2000 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time
- Copies: include the original Letter of Intent and three copies
Layout: use standard letter size paper with a 12 point font, single
Length: do not exceed five pages, including the cover page
Ethics: an ethics review will be required before research awards
are finalized
Assistance: contact the Centre by telephone, fax, mail or e-mail
if you have questions or would like assistance with the completion
of your Letter of Intent
- Selection Process: Letters received by the Centre will be reviewed
by its Research Review Committee, and those meeting its standards for
scientific merit and relevance will be invited to prepare a detailed
research plan for the final round of consideration for funding.
An invitation to prepare a detailed plan is not a guarantee that
funding will be granted. Rather, it is an indication that the proposal
merits further consideration in a more fully described form
Key Dates
August 18, 2000 deadline for receipt of Letters of Intent
August 31, 2000 notification of review results
October 13, 2000 deadline for receipt of detailed research
November 28, 2000 notification of awards
Contact Information
The Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre
304 Stone Road West, Suite 403
Guelph ON
N1G 4W4
Telephone: (519) 763-8049
Toll Free: (877) 882-2204
Fax: (519) 827-9196
E-mail: opgrc@home.com
Note: the Centre reserves the right to modify or discontinue the awards
process at its sole discretion.
the Calendar of Events we invite our readers
to submit notices of upcoming gambling-related conferences, presentations,
symposiums and other educational events, civic events, and media events
that are open to the public. We will gladly publish news of events that
may occur years in the future.
ask that these notices be submitted by electronic mail. With each submission
we require the e-mail address of someone with whom the editor can verify
details about the event. (We understand that this e-mail address may perhaps
not be part of the published calendar listing.) We reserve the right to
edit each submission for uniform format, punctuation and grammar.
Phil Lange, Editor,
The Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling
Problem Gambling
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
33 Russell Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2S1 Canada
E-mail: Phil_Lange@camh.net
Phone: (416)-535-8501 ext.6077