graffito, the poetry poster

Howlings from the Wall

Pedro Blue by Raindog, published by Vinegar Hill Press, PO Box 368, San Pedro 90733 USA, pp 56 price $6.00 paperback, $15.00 hardcover. 1996

This book is a drive around someone else’s neighbourhood. Raindog achieves in his poems to create a sense of place. Many times you feel that you know where you are or that this character or that one could be someone you or I know.

There is also a real feel of emptiness, what could called today a slacker mentality. Here in Raindog’s neighbourhood live the Bob & Doug MacKenzies of L.A. boys with too much time on their hands. This is not the L.A. as seen on T.V.. In San Pedro at Corners De La Muerta shrines are erected to the memory of the dead:

"Half the drivers on this
play a
hometown cross of
destruction derby and chicken.
Some drive without headlights
a cold on nestled in their crotch...

Esta noche
Death drives a late-model sedan
Callate! Here he comes!"

These sort of shrines are not found here much though. I’ve seen one or two on the side of country roads in New Brunswick, where they are more like roadside graves without the graveyard.

There are many good poems in this (chap)book like Post Hole Digger, Midnight Blue, and then there are a small few like Friday Night at the Velcro Lounge which don’t work. You know where the author is going, but he just doesn’t get you there.

This is not a (chap)book of poetry which will challenge you with deep critical insight or break new ground. What you find is a poet who is good at telling a story. He will make you feel for his characters and he’ll have you wanting to know more about San Pedro even though through Raindog’s eyes and pen it may not be the best neighbourhood in the world.

Don’t forget that the Jane Jordan Poetry Contest Deadline has been extended until March 30. This contest is open to residents of the Ottawa area. There will be blind judging so put your name address and poem titles on a separate sheet. The entry fee is $2.00 a poem. Send submissions to 96 Rochester street, Ottawa ON K1R 7L8. Oh, prizes are: 1st $250, 2nd $150 and 3rd $100.

By the by, did you know that Coach House has been resurrected? You can get all the details at: the new Coach House website, here you will find all kinds of goodies. For another view of the phoenix like rise of Coach House read Suzy Snipes' column in the March issue of the WORD literary calendar. This is a biting indictment of the hype surrounding the claims of some that Coach House is still part of the "brave new wave" of cutting edge publishing. As rob mclennan said to me "there is only one cutting edge publisher in Canada and that is Insomniac Press", to which I heartily agree.

b stephen harding
Initials bsh

Have you seen the writing on the wall

Managing Editor: b stephen harding, Editor: Robert Craig, Consulting Editor: Seymour Mayne, Art Consultant: Kane Faucher
Guest Editor: Stephanie Bolster
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1997 © graffito