graffito, the poetry poster

Howling from the Wall

The new Guest Editor has been chosen!

By way of introduction, let me say that i first heard Laurie Fuhr read in the open set one spring evening at the TREE reading series at Irene's Pub. I was struck by the blithe beauty of her images, and the compelling narrative of her poetry. It seemed too strong a combination for somebody so young. As she continues to write and mature in her writing, it is clear that the beauty of these initial (to my eye) pieces was not a fluke. It is a pleasure for me to nominate her as guest editor for graffito, the poetry poster, and i am tickled that you (b. stephen harding) share my enthusiasm for her input. If she accepts the task, graffito will be richer for her fresh approach to poetry, and her unvarnished sense of poetics. And if you will indulge me one final paragraph, i thank you for my time at graffito. It is a delightful way to spend a few months in the literary world, not the least reason being, you and the fun of teamwork.
allison comeau

Laurie has always enjoyed writing, but only discovered poetry a few years back in the form of "Wilderness" by Jim Morrison. Fascinated, she began to write as an outlet for frustration over a botched relationship, and when the frustration subsided she discovered that the urge to express other emotions through poetry had manifested itself in her. With the support and coaxing of her friend Armour, she found the local scene, making occasional appearances in the open sets of the Dusty Owl, Tree, Electric Garden and Spout readings series. She is very pleased to be able to contribute something more substantial to the poetry scene in Ottawa through her work with graffito, and is grateful to Allison Comeau and b stephen harding for giving her this opportunity. Laurie will also be a featured reader at the Electric Garden series in January, and hopes these two events are the first in a series which might help her attain her ultimate goal--appealing to the masses with passionate, honest poetry and establishing herself among her mentors, peers, and the literary audience as a Writer. And ok, maybe she'll try to get a chapbook or two out first, or even to be published in the small press.

Laurie Fuhr

Chutney: Anthology, from the Writing Workshops For Women, Candis Graham, 99 Fifth Ave., Box 250 Ottawa ON K1S 5P5. PP 28 Price $5.00.

As I prepare for this review I’ve just come back from seeing one of two launches for the Chutney chapbook. Funny when I think of chutney I always think of Trinidad and the hot mango chutney’s I use to eat as a child growing up there. This Chutney has more to do with my Aunts, grandmother and there proud United Empire Loyalist selves all British, all tea, and all crumpets.

Having now been through the Chutney reading experience, I am now re-evaluating my first impression of this chapbook. My first impression of this work was, "well so so". I'm not sure what is was that day, but didn't fell anything great about the what was there. It always amazes me how much hearing the authors read can inform that work. I guess it really made we think about the language and concentrate on the images and stories.

Though almost all of the contributors to this anthology are new writers, their work reflects mature and thoughtful poetry. As the reading progressed I was able to suspend my distaste for workshop poetry, particularly that associated with New Age, Middle Age Women” of quaint white insular neighbourhoods, like Westboro & the Glebe.

The women of this collection reach beyond themselves and make their experience meaningful and important. I was truly happy to have had the opportunity to hear these new voices.

Well it is almost Xmas and all the people are scurrying to buy there way into debt. It's just one of those seasonal things that have the man so happy. Personally I'm just jealous, I too would like to have 5 or 6 charge cards red hot and full too the max. What would this poet want for X-mas....huhm...oh a small villa on some Greek island, where I can write the great Canadian book of poetry. For stocking stuffers, I'm thinking wine & whiskey, beer nuts and dates and my wife who's playing nude in the surf, while I look on in contentfulness, ah the life eh!

Opps I hear my wife calling I got go vacuum the tinsel off the floor. 

b stephen harding
Managing Editor
Have you seen the writing on the wall  
Managing Editor: b stephen harding, Consulting Editor: Seymour Mayne
Guest Editor: allison comeau
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