electronic graffito, the poetry poster

About graffito

The goal of our publication is straight forward: to provide the greatest possible access to the work of contemporary poets through the dissemination of posters. We hope to increase the awareness and appreciation for poetry and particularly the poets of the greater Ottawa region.

We publish 4 to 6 poems in each issue, and we also use photography and illustrations. The hardcopy of graffito comes in two versions: a zine 11 X 17 inches, folded in half with a back and front cover, and a single sided 11 X 17 poster. For technical reasons the electronic graffito may not correspond to the hardcopy version, and photos and drawings found on the hardcopy version may not be found here.

graffito would like to acknowledge the support of Student Life Services of the University of Ottawa, the University of Ottawa Writing Centre and the Dept of English. Also we would like to thank Parashift, the internet cafe for this space on their server and their always generous and kind assistance.

Have you seen the writing on the wall 
Managing Editor
: b stephen harding, Consulting Editor: Seymour Mayne
E-Mail: graffito@uottawa.ca
ISSN 1208-9427The Red Maple LeafCanadian Eh!
Parashift Inc.
Site Sponsor
1997 © graffito