I see a window and a key
the soft wind blows through my sheets
whispering a name I once knew
He leans down to utter something
A flash of light his face is shining
no, I wake to the flick of a switch
my eyes fly open
Florence stands in the doorway
he apologises
he heard a window open and thought I must be awake
I stand and wander to the piano
my fingers find the keys to a peaceful tune
allowing my mind to open to thought
who is this mysterious man?
who speaks to me in my sleep
who whispers in my ears
the sound of my name as I have never heard it
the tune takes over
I hear his footsteps as they walk across the floorboards
his cool hands rest on my shoulders
heavy, heavier, the gripping weight pulls me over
my head rolls on my pillow
my sheet curling around my ankles
mother is at the door
"it was just a nightmare dear"

I hear a window and a key.....

© Sarah Warner Grade 10, Asquith Girls High School, Berowra, Syndney, Australia
