You were so precious to the world and me
Beauty, innocence and compassion in your face we'd see
You always put others before yourself
No change in your kindness was seen with weath
You were a Fairytale Princess our hearts you move
Your kind gentle nature our world improved
You helped the sick, the needy, the dying
Its now at your great loss we all are crying
You were hounded by the press who had no thought for you
Greedy for money your pictures they must pursue
You pleaded with them to leave you in peace
They ignored your pleas you could get no release
Your tragic death has brought the Nation to a halt
We all know the cause and those at fault
I just hope Dear Princess that you can now rest
In Paradise, in Heaven you deserve the very best
We'll all miss you Dear Princess and for justice we pray
To stop Society's pressures from hounding people this way.

The Princess of Wales touched the hearts of people all over the world,
her death joined a Nation together in mourning now in Heaven she looks
down on us and says.

A Message from Heaven

Hush now precious please don't cry
There comes a time when we all die
Just take heed that I'm at peace
And from my pain I have release

I will always be watching over you
Our love will always be held true
Don't you weep now, don't you mourn
For my heart will then be torn

Just recall the good times we shared
Knowing that we always cared
I've not gone away, we'll never part
As I will always be in your heart.

© Carol Matthews, Astley, Manchester, England
