slicing light

facing west
treetops basking
treetrunks shivering.

it's that time of morning.
that time of year.
after snow.
when the sun slices
in precise slanted halves of
shadowy dawn
and early morning light.

collection of: never get around to its
i'm a collector of things to do
places to go
people to know.
i'm definitely a bit abstract
maybe even slack
don't seem to have the knack.
of getting everything done
or sitting in the sun
always on the run.
when WILL i stop collecting
do some reflecting
start living.

what did they do with their horns?
swirled, shiny, silver horntip pushes me up the rainbow
slides me down horn hooked by the seat of my pants
no present day slide
as fast or smooth as the purple side of the rainbow.
halfway up on the inside curve, her hooves catch some sticky yellow,
we eat some.

tongues turn yellow,
air turns sweet,
days move slower,
the sand we land in is cotton candy.
we sprawl on poofy ghost tree beds
and eat some more delight.
she pushes me up the green ray,
deposits me in my bed.

i wake,
start my hazy pastel color day made brighter by dreams.

altered sacred trees
you sprawl blue jewels
on altered sacred trees
made white, made thin.

i wear them inside
like some people wear
gold or silver on their skin.

your jewels contain
distinctive sounds of joy,
wrinkles of reality,
and news of kin.

your jewels of different hues
blacks, reds, and blues write in between the lines
and enter me through hungry eyes.

they lead to upturned corners
on my face and around my lips.
your warmth fueled by postage stamps curls
inside me to be called up for an instant rise.

answer my question
so you want to do whatever
i want to do...
i want to dance on the moon,
play follow the leader
jumping from star to star,
and pull down a cloud for
a bed when i'm tired..
i want to sing a lullaby to the ocean
feel gaia's earthy skin between my toes
and dance wildly in tall grass.

do you still want to do what
i want to do?

© Rusti Lehay
