The Day Will Come
One will go the way they came,
be prepared,
the day will come sooner than one thinks.Hell and heavern,
not what one wants,
life is what one wants;
but hell is not as bad as you think,
neither is heaven as good as you want,
but either is better than life.Face the fact,
life is cruel,
worse than hell,
one should believe,
and one will learn.
Who has given us our lives?
Who has put us into the world of violence?
Who has put us into the world of sadness?
Why do we have to be here,
here in the world, in the world like hell?God gave us our lives.
God put us into the world of violence.
God put us into the world of sadness.
As well as the world of love,
and the world of happiness,
we are here to take the challenges,
the challenges set for us.Why were we picked by "Him"?
Why are "they" beside us?
Why are we punished,
in a world like hell?It had to be us.
He picked "them" to be beside us,
to challenge us.
We are not being punished,
we are being tested.
He is watching us through the clouds.© Karen Chan Riverbend Jr High