Images of Epiphany

a dove descending
broken roads
lined with crying children
crushed gravel
a song ascending
a pot
boiling over an open fire
lies and truth
lies and truth
a spot of tea
that stains
the fine white linen
washes too
the throat so dry
we forget
the trembling hand

© Tom Emmens

In the time of grief
I was unaware of fields
unaware of moving clouds
unaware of heart beats.

I was aware
of ashes
just like dust and gravel
spreading slowly
on the ground
where startled monarchs
unaware of sorrow.

© Tom Emmens

Scene at a Gallery

The skeleton tree,
black as pitch
in ink blue sky,
will be the frame.
The winter star,
enters as the subject.
A shadow
casts so softly
'cross the diamond carpet,
where I shift,
to gain the perfect view.

© Tom Emmens
First Love Observed

Damn your love !
So clean,
So cool,
So uncluttered,
So focused,
It rises above the rest,
a spring storm
nurturing growth.

When I see your run,
through flowing
wild flower fields,
I never think of
fragile crushed stems,
I think of running free,
like you.

© Tom Emmens
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