Rutting season

There are animals here
who have rubbed themselves raw
on mornings like these
recalling robinsong
& lovesap before
the decibels of jets.

They peer thru gauze
at the cool desired blue.
Shaved & alarumed into daylite
they weigh their lives against
the balance-sheet of sky
draw breath & drive dead-lined
into forests of stone.
© Richard Davies


only on the dark
wet streets of night
can i ever hope to
find your face again

only with the sun
on april morning snow
can i tell you how
i love you still

© Richard Davies


grey december sky
park benches etched in snow

wind strokes the last robin's wing
breath warm & then gone

like a memory
lovers lost in each other's eyes

we walk beside the river
& dream of hibernation

© Richard Davies

A Momentary Stay

It's when you are empty
& falling thru
a never-ending hole
beyond any words...

You must remember then
to fill your heart to brim
with life & love
those highest arts of all

© Richard Davies