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Mar. 19, 1993 - J. A. (Sandy) Sprinkle
Read Sept. 21, 1995 & Sept. 24, 1995

I stumbled upon a puddle
In the early light of dawn-
Reflecting mystic early light
that had been cast there-on.

And through this surface-
Light's mirrored way-
Predicting glorious highlights
Of the new expected day.

Then came the truck-
that spewed the muck-
. . . . . Asunder,
to the warehouse wall it stuck.

Illusion gone! - Still coming dawn
Shallow discovery - newborn pain.
I hope this day will give to all
A heavy Life-Sustaining rain.

- - Vision - -

Jan. 19, 1994 J. A. (Sandy) Sprinkle
Read @ Twelve Nights 1996

I believe that I had seen the sky
But when I returned and searched
For the words to tell
Of what I had seen
There seemed to be no time
For my words to be heard.
Nor were there ears to listen
Nor were there minds to hear the listening
had there been time
for my words to be formed
and sent.

What good is it to have ideas
if they are alien
to a
That has no time?

Festers within itself.

Tomorrow's Insanity.


June 19, 1994 - J. A. (Sandy) Sprinkle

A man with feelings
is cursed in this time
when men are viewed
as rutting pigs.

The judgement passed
on feelings of care
without words or talk
is brutal.

And there is no defense
for having felt.
Only quiet pain
in truth - to try to care.

To defend or act
is inappropriate.
The judgment cast-
"Men have no right to feel."

The sensitive man
condemned - must change,
desensitized - not care.
Defense - projected pain.

Perhaps the sensitive man
will become extinct
for those who claim
that he doesn't exist.

Just another
self-fulfilling prophesy.

the Dream

April 23, 1994 - J. A. (Sandy) Sprinkle

I dreamed
That I was awake
And that I felt
The feelings
Of others-
And I felt
Their thoughts -
And fear enveloped me.

For I felt their
and Blame
and Anger
and Shame
and Loneliness.

Then I awoke
And I cried,
- - For I still Felt
All of these things.