Caged in Reflection

I pace humidity muted streets,
heavy summer skies,
painted smoky violed
by fires of emotions,
who won't reveal their face
and persist in caging me
in solitary reflection
your cells are part of mine.

© Geraldine Matus


Who's First?

The altar of our bodies' union
lay bare but for its snowy cloth
gathering dust from beams of sunlight,
heaven sent.
Predator and prey, we circled its perimeter,
neither daring to leave the other's gaze
or be the first
to lay down upon the altar
as sacrifice to righteousness and power
to the imagination of lover's play.

© Geraldine Matus


On Whose Cleavage I Have Lain

I drink in the last moments
here with you -- swallow down
sadness welling around my heart
hold quietude -- reverently
communion bread dissolving
on my tongue, sip from you cup
rose dawn light -- gossamer cascade
veiling verduous hills
on whose cleavage I have lain
my head in rest and benediction

© Geraldine Matus


Staking a Claim

With my pick axe of discernment,
and my mule named Fortitude,
I set out
across foreign lands of promise
to stake a claim on my life,
whith hopes of discovering gold
in the viens of my mythology
embedded in the stone
of inner wisdom
far below the surface
of my every day persona.

© Geraldine Matus
