Poem for Vanessa - subtitle: the night before writing this I watched Jaws
III  on T.V. . . .

You went to an extreme to teach yourself a simple rule:
                                         rarities are best painted in oil
                                                          or acrylic at least.
Nonetheless -- 
                                        (if your backbone slips no further)
                                        (if you keep company with eaters of quiche)
You should stew up great necktie jamborees
For the 2-buck a night pimp that helped you dump your rhinestone crown.

Intramunicipal Spcas
Are scrounging to find food for strays (pimp porriedge would suffice).
                                        Roast rooster testes better yet
                                        Jammed between his 2 (Jaws) for
Effect.  -  This centerfold  would be truly tasteful, and
                                         Indicate real productivity.

©T.D.L. Turner  1984


                                        "May 7, 1980"
                                       (headpoem  ii)
                                        . . deux fois . .

Plucked petals                                               The other poets
Today.                                                         Think
"He loves me".                                               That this poem needs
They read --                                                                       a partner.  So --	
Causing this                                                Last year I got married
Poem to fly                                                                          Once again
Out of my head!                                                                                 To someone else.

© 1981 T.D.L. Turner

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