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Thanks are due to the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store International Union for source materials from the RWDSU Record, to Labour Canada for microfilms of these reproductions, to the Social Sciences and Humanties Research Council of Canada for financial assistance, to David Young for data collection, and to Mike Sosteric, editor of the EJS, for his help with setting up hypertext and hypermedia.
The quality of many photos and cartoons in this article is affected by the fact that many are copies taken off microfilms of the RWDSU Record, the union newspaper of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union. In many cases, the photos it published were, in turn, copies of originals collected from a variety of amateur sources during the 1950s and 1960s. For all these reasons, it was not possible to attain the high standards of contemporary graphics and photography.
The WINHELP version of this article, distributed by the EJS, has a richer hypermedia format that contains sound. However, it only runs on a PC with Windows.